Mobile World Capital Barcelona joins GETHub, a network of companies committed to reducing the gender gap

Mobile World Capital Barcelona joins GETHub, a network of companies committed to reducing the gender gap

  • Implementing training programmes to achieve equity in recruitment, training human resources departments, supporting the visibility of female talent, fostering work-family balance policies and prioritizing the recruitment of women as well as integrating inclusive language are some of the commitments of the GETHub companies.
  • The Gender Equality Tech Hub (GETHub) is an initiative by the Barcelona City Council in collaboration with the technology school.

The Mobile World Capital Foundation has joined a hub of 31 technological Barcelona based companies to promote and develop specific measures addressing the gender gap in the sector. Known as the Gender Equality Tech Hub (GETHub), the initiative was launched by the Barcelona CIty Council in collaboration with the renown school, and is part of the BcnFemTech 2021-2023 Government Policy: for gender equality in the ICT sector.

By becoming part of the network, MWCapital is committed to a series of objectives in 2022 and a minimum of three actions such as hiring more female staff through specialized recruiting services; inclusive and non-sexist communication guidelines, gender gap self-diagnosis and gender data based company programs; gender parity in the technical and executive teams; the choice of remote work for mothers during the first year after giving birth; supporting initiatives that highlight female role models; prioritizing woman candidates and creating gender equity work groups.

GETHub is committed to the implementation of flexibility and co-responsibility; to collaborating with entities that promote female leadership; to carrying out projects to promote female role models in STEM in order to increase girls in STEM fields; to give professional talks for teenagers in high schools; to diverse and inclusive language in job offers; to providing an equality plan; to women networking; to creating an area of diversity and inclusion; to training human resources on unconscious biases; to achieving flexible working hours and co-responsibility; to carrying out inclusive UX actions; to incorporating free menstrual hygiene products displayed in the company’s all gender toilets and a day off with no sick leave or medical appointment certificate.

The hub’s companies have expressed their interest in establishing effective measures that eliminate the gender salary gap; establishing group dynamics to promote awareness of gender biases and prejudices that can impact women in the company; collaborating with projects training women in vulnerable situations and fostering training by women; establishing meetups on the female presence in companies; always including at least one woman in any given recruitment process; working on women rejoining work after maternity leave and taking specific steps to retain female talent.

In addition to Mobile World Capital, the network consists of BETWEEN Technology, iterem, Pixel Research Lab, Allianz Technology, Thoughtworks, Talhis, Cyberclick, Citibeats, Vitaance, PepsiCo, Innovamat, Basetis, wefox, Witte y Solá, Unblur, Veepee, Haufe, Vista, Nestle IT HUB, Databot, Qualifyze, GreenPowerMonitor, Teachers in Apuros, eDiversa Group, Autodesk, VOXEL, ProtoPixel, Nae, DMI, ServiZurich – Technology Delivery Center and Seqera.

Achieving gender equity based organizations

GETHub, a network of Barcelona based technology companies aiming at achieving more women in technical and leadership positions and environments that encourage gender equity, was founded between November 2021 and April 2022. Barcelona’s digital sector is made up of just 29% of women and contracted ICT female specialists represent on average 19.5% of the tech sector. In order to improve these figures, GETHub is open to any company based in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, regardless of the size, committed to gender equity and willing to work internally to reduce the gender gap.

GETHub has promoted in-depth self-diagnosis, detection and eradication of gender biases, honesty and transparency, female leadership, women’s mentoring for women, ‘bring parents back’, inclusive marketing, positive action policies, gender violence addressed measures, inclusive talent and suppliers recruitment, ‘women-first’ training, social impact projects investment, inclusive offices and conciliation policies.


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