The Catalan tech hub ecosystem continues to grow and more and more multinationals are locating their technology centers in Catalonia, with Barcelona and the metropolitan area as major poles of attraction for talent and R&D in southern Europe. During 2023, the sector has created 5,200 new highly skilled jobs and already employs 26,407 people (25% more than in 2022). The economic impact of the hubs has also increased by 25% compared to 2022 and generates an economic impact of 2,544 million euros per year.
The Tech Hubs Overview report, which has the collaboration of ACCIÓ -the agency for business competitiveness of the Generalitat de Catalunya-, and the direction of International Economic Promotion of the Barcelona City Council, has expanded its scope in this year’s edition.
While in the first edition the definition of tech hubs was limited only on the basis of green-field investment, this year it has been updated to adapt to the market and includes all international hubs dedicated to basic research, innovation and prototyping, as well as those that develop technology not only for their companies but also for external or international clients.
Catalonia’s tradition of hosting international technology hubs is maintained
Catalonia remains a benchmark location for hosting international technology hubs, with a total of 140 hubs in the territory by 2023. In the last 7 years the number of hubs has increased almost fourfold. Thus, the attractiveness of Catalonia is evident, observing a constant arrival of new investments. Thus, in the period 2017-2023 more than 100 technology hubs have been installed.

The great economic impact of hubs in Catalonia
Currently, technology hubs generate a wealth of more than 2,500M euros in the territory, and with expectations of growing by 43% in the next 2-3 years, they position Catalonia as a reference location. Catalonia is creating a consolidated and innovative hub ecosystem, home to highly qualified talent. Expectations are to continue growing at an accelerated pace, with a forecast to reach a figure of more than 3,600M euros by 2026.

Exponential growth of talent
By 2026, the number of highly qualified workers located in technology hubs is expected to increase by 38% compared to current figures, taking into account only the hubs already established in the territory. Catalonia is creating a powerful, innovative hub ecosystem that is home to highly qualified talent. Expectations are to continue growing at an accelerated pace, researching the use of new technologies and creating value, with a forecast of reaching a figure of more than 3,600M euros by 2026.

- The technology centers located in Catalonia generate 26,407 jobs and an economic impact of 2,500 million euros per year, according to the Tech Hubs Overview report promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona.
- The number of hubs has quadrupled in the last seven years and the forecast is to exceed 36,000 jobs and 3.6 billion in turnover by 2026.
- Generative Artificial Intelligence has been the technology that has grown the most, while Healthcare is the area where investment has increased the most.