Mobile World Capital Barcelona brings together national and international digital talent in training sessions on urban mobility

Mobile World Capital Barcelona brings together national and international digital talent in training sessions on urban mobility

  • From today until 11 November, Casa SEAT, Movistar Center and the former Estrella Damm Factory will be hosting training sessions, ‘Urban Mobility IT.Nerary’, aimed at students and technical professionals with an interest in the mobility industry.
  • The training programme is linked to the European project ‘Urban Mobility Digital Talent’, led by Mobile World Capital Barcelona and supported by EIT Urban Mobility (European Institute of Innovation and Technology).
  • During four days, national and international participants will be able to learn about the challenges and trends in the mobility sector, as well as to have a first contact with different companies in the sector.

Currently, in the European Union (EU), the mobility sector generates almost 25% of CO2 emissions. In this sense, different studies point out that in order to reduce these figures and be more sustainable, it is necessary to accelerate the digitalisation of the industry, as it would help to optimise processes and be more efficient in all operations.

In order to achieve this transition, Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital) stresses that digital talent is the key. “The mobility industry needs to incorporate profiles with digital skills that will help them to advance in their digitisation process and, with this, achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, set by the EU, before 2030“, explains Jordi Arrufí, director of the Digital Talent area of MWCapital and head of European Projects.

That is why, from today until 11 November, MWCapital, together with Urban Mobility, an initiative promoted by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), is organising a training programme aimed at students and technical professionals interested in the mobility industry. “These sessions are a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between demand and supply in the sector. On the one hand, talent will be able to see the opportunities it offers; and on the other, companies will be able to streamline their ability to incorporate digital talent“, adds Arrufí.

Urban Mobility IT.Nerary” will be attended by national and international participants from other countries in Europe and South America, and kicked off today at Casa SEAT with an introductory session on the potential of the sector. This will be followed by two informative sessions at the Movistar Center and will end at the Antigua Fábrica Estrella Damm with a networking event to connect participants with different corporations in the sector.

Over these four days, attendees, who will also be able to connect online, will learn about the challenges, technological trends and the potential of digital skills and technologies related to urban mobility. With these training pills, its promoters aim to promote the requalification of talent towards digital skills and also seek to attract new professionals in the market, both nationally and internationally.

The training programme is part of the European project ‘Urban Mobility Digital Talent’, promoted by MWCapital and EIT Urban Mobility. In addition, it has the participation of entities with a well-known reputation in the future mobility sector, such as the Catalan Urban Mobility Research Hub, CARNET; the Galician Automotive Technology Centre, CTAG; and the Higher Technical Institute of the University of Lisbon, IST.

The starting point for digital talent in mobility

‘Urban Mobility IT.Nerary’ was created with the aim of helping talent to discover new job opportunities in the urban mobility industry. To this end, the training sessions have been designed as a journey of discovery to show the potential of the mobility sector through the technological trends in the sector: new enabling technologies in urban mobility, data science, connected mobility and autonomous driving systems.

In addition, the initiative driving the training programme, ‘Urban Mobility Digital Talent’, will offer new opportunities for participation during the months of November and December through other online training pills.

Participants in both formats can register through the Barcelona Digital Talent website.


Mobile World Capital Barcelona is an initiative that drives the digital development of society and helps to improve people’s lives globally. With public and private support, MWCapital focuses its activity on four areas: accelerating innovation through digital entrepreneurship; transforming industry through digital technology; growing digital talent among new generations and professionals; and reflecting on the impact of technology on our society. Together, the programmes are positively transforming the economy, education and society. MWCapital hosts MWC in Barcelona and is the founder of 4 Years From Now (4YFN), the business platform for the startup community present at all MWC events worldwide.


Urban Mobility Digital Talent is a project supported by EIT Urban Mobility.

EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), an agency of the European Union, aims to deliver innovative solutions and accelerate the transition towards a truly multimodal, integrated and user-centred transport system. As Europe’s leading urban mobility innovation community, EIT Urban Mobility will work to avoid fragmentation by facilitating collaboration between cities, business, education, research and innovation to solve cities’ most pressing challenges. Cities will become “living laboratories” where companies and community research and education centres will demonstrate how new technologies can work to solve real problems in real cities by transporting people, goods and waste in a smart way.


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