Francesc Fajula, appointed new Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation CEO

Francesc Fajula, appointed new Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation CEO

  • The appointment was ratified this morning by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.
  • As one of Spain’s digital industry pioneers, Fajula brings extensive experience in fields critical to the promotion of the digital world such as entrepreneurship, innovation, international business and young talent.
  • Francesc Fajula will take office in the coming weeks.

Barcelona, 13 June. – The Mobile World Capital Barcelona Board of Trustees has ratified the appointment of Francesc Fajula as the Foundation’s new CEO. Fajula joins MWCapital aiming at fostering a new chapter for the organization which this year celebrates its tenth anniversary in a context of an increasingly relevant role of technology and digitalization in people’s lives.

Francesc Fajula’s professional background includes companies such as Terra (Telefónica Group), Banesto, Santander Group, Banco Sabadell or Dominion Global. He pioneered the advent of the digital industry in Spain and has been director of E-Commerce at Terra. He also served as Director of Innovation and Digital Strategy of Grupo Santander, driving the creation of entrepreneur programs and an incubator and accelerator in San Francisco. He was Banco Sabadell Director of Digital Transformation and Innovation, and prior to his appointment as Mobile World Capital Barcelona CEO he served as General Director of Financial Services at Dominion Global. Fajula will take office as CEO in the coming weeks.

During its meeting today, the Board of Trustees also thanked the work and great performance of Carlos Grau, who will assist the new Chief Executive Officer taking over.


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