Alcalá de Henares, site of Mobile Week

Alcalá de Henares, site of Mobile Week

  • The activities will revolve around the slogan: “Technology for citizens”
  • More than 50 conferences, showrooms, and round tables, with some of the main technological references in Spain; more than 100 innovative projects between companies and university research groups and over 200 hours of programming and activities concentrated in 9 days.

Alcalá de Henares, Octubre 1st, 2021.- The old Gal factory hosted this morning the presentation of one of the events of the year in the city. This is the Mobile Week, an initiative of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, will be held in Alcalá de Henares from October 16 to 24, it is organized by the Complutense City Council in collaboration with the University of Alcalá and the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers.

The attendees during the presentation where Carlos Grau, CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Javier Rodríguez Palacios, mayor of Alcalá de Henares and José Vicente Saz Pérez, rector of UAH. Also present were the Councillor for Technological Innovation, Miguel Castillejo, who detailed the program, as well as Cristina Colom, director of Digital Future Society.

Mobile Week Alcalá is an initiative of Mobile World Capital Barcelona organized by the Complutense City Council with the collaboration of the University of Alcalá and the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers. This first edition is sponsored by Telefónica, iotecta y T-Systems, among others, and counts with the support of Estrella Damm and CaixaBank.

Rodríguez Palacios thanked Mobile World Capital Barcelona for choosing “our city, which played such a transcendent role throughout so many periods during the History of Spain” – he said – “so that now it becomes a vanguard city that looks onto the future and bets on technology as a fundamental basis to cement its progress and achieve its ambitious aspirations at a tourist and promotional level”.

In his intervention, the rector of UAH, José Vicente Saz Pérez, highlighted that, events like this result as timely, necessary, and even essential. “Only knowledge makes us free and only access to knowledge can contribute to form a more democratic and just society. In this sense, the city of Alcalá de Henares and its University represent a unique framework to rigorously carry out an adequate dissemination of science, technology and, ultimately, knowledge”.

The slogan of Mobile Week, an initiative of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, is “Technology for citizens”, because according to the explanation presented today, Mobile Week Alcalá is committed to empowering citizens by showing some of the challenges we face today: some are new, but others are as old as humanity itself. For that reason, Mobile Week Alcalá seeks to be a meeting point between citizens and innovation between companies and academia or public administrations and the private sectors…  In short, to not only converge technologies, but also the objectives of achieving a more just, sustainable and equal society.

From 16 to 24 October

For 9 days, Alcalá de Henares will host talks, exhibitions, workshops, round tables, working groups and spaces to grant connection between citizens, companies, academia, and institutions that promote innovation. The Councillor for Technological Innovation, Miguel Castillejo, detailed all the upcoming activities and affirmed that they all “share a common objective, that’s none other than to deepen mutual knowledge about new technological tools and the changes they entail”.

The activities will address the main fields of the current and emerging technology: Extended Realities, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, eSports, home automation, 5G, Smart Cities, autonomous car or technology for children.

“We will have more than 50 conferences, showrooms and round tables,” Castillejo said, “with some of the main technological references in Spain; in addition, more than 100 innovative projects between companies and university research groups and over 200 hours of programming and activities concentrated in 9 days”.

For further details of the event:


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