Mobile Week Catalonia brings technology with free activities for all audiences to 18 Catalan territories

Mobile Week Catalonia brings technology with free activities for all audiences to 18 Catalan territories

  • Eight new municipalities join in this third year an initiative that puts the tools of digital technology at the service of citizens.
  • Another novelty is the Family Day incorporation into the programming of several municipalities, which allows children and families to learn about technology through entertainment.
  • The protection of privacy and data on the Internet, the digital professional skills demanded in workforce and the role of technology during crises, are the topics of this edition.

Barcelona, 17 May 2021.- Mobile World Capital Barcelona and the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia have presented today at the Royal Palace of Pedralbes in Barcelona the content of Mobile Week Catalonia 2021, which, in its third year of existence, reaches 18 Catalan territories. A week dedicated to bringing technology closer to citizens through different free activities that combine face-to-face and digital formats and which will be held from June 21 to 27 and July 5 to 11, depending on the territories.

The presentation was attended by the Minister of Digital Policies and Public Administration, Jordi Puigneró, who wanted to “give special recognition to mayors, municipalities and regions that have understood that, today, technology is an accelerator of progress. An essential ally in the improvement of their towns and cities”. Puigneró has also remarked that “technology, today, can greatly improve the governance of cities, but also develop a new digital economy that allows creating opportunities and taking root in the territory”.

In his speech, the CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​Carlos Grau, wanted to highlight the importance that, this year, with Mobile Week Catalonia, we will be able to expand the capillarity of a project that has proven to be a success: “we propose different spaces for reflection, inclusive debates and participatory activities open to everyone to connect the tools that digital technology offers us with the concerns and needs of citizens”. And it emphasizes that all this would not be possible without “the interest and the impulse of the city councils and municipal entities that make the initiative grow”.

The representatives of the territories have been the protagonists of today’s presentation, highlighting each of them the activities, in the form of workshops, conferences and round tables, that will take place in their territories this summer. In total, 5 municipalities in the demarcation of Barcelona (Badalona, ​​Mataró, Terrassa, Sant Pere de Ribes, and Vilanova i la Geltrú); 5 from Central Catalonia (Vic, Manresa, Igualada, Centelles and Rupit); 4 of the demarcation of Girona (Girona, Figueres, Llagostera and Riudellots de la Selva); 2 of Lleida (Lleida and Mollerussa); 1 of the Upper Pyrenees (La Seu d’Urgell) and the region of Terres de l’Ebre (Ribera d’Ebre) will be part of the 2021 edition of Mobile Week Catalonia.

Especially noteworthy are the territories of Badalona, ​​Terrassa, Manresa, Rupit, Figueres, Llagostera, La Seu d’Urgell and Centelles, the 8 municipalities that are incorporated for the first time in the Mobile Week Catalonia, the representatives have participated today in a round table where they have been able to enthusiastically share the recommendations of the veteran territories in this initiative.

Calendar of activities for all audiences

In this edition of Mobile Week Catalonia there are three main topics focused on meeting the needs and concerns of citizens: the protection of our privacy and data on the Internet, the digital professional skills demanded by the workforce market and the role that technology develops during the crisis. Family Day is another of the novelties of this year, a commitment to learn about technology as a family through entertainment. It is a day with a special program to children and their families can train in a dynamic and fun way.

Regarding the most outstanding activities of the Mobile Week Catalonia this summer, each territory has wanted to highlight what will be its strong bet for this year.

As for the 5 municipalities in the demarcation of Barcelona: in Badalona they will innovate with a workshop from where they will train the surgeons of the future through augmented reality; in Sant Pere de Ribes they will discuss the fundamentals of smart recycling and what it means for waste management and cost reduction; in Mataró they hold a talk aimed at young people to help them acquire the digital skills that Industry 4.0 professionals need; Vilanova i la Geltrú will test gamified tourist experiences and offer technological workshops for young people; and in Terrassa they will hold a round table with experts who will discuss data security on the Internet, digital skills and how technology can help in times of crisis.

The 5 municipalities of Catalonia center stand out: in Manresa they will bet on disseminating the story of the Patufet in version 4.0, with a robot protagonist created with Lego pieces and 3D printing; in Igualada they will address through a talk what digital work is like and how to make YouTube, Instagram and video games a way of life; at Centelles they will discuss the proliferation of startups and uncover the secrets for successful entrepreneurship in the current digital age; in Rupit they will present Powar, a simulator of climatic conditions that will allow small farmers to prepare for the climatic changes of each region; and Vic will hold a round table on how to sell on the internet to understand the different logic and sales channels that have accelerated as a result of the pandemic.

The territories of the demarcation of Girona, highlight that in Llagostera, the technology specialist Josep Maria Ganyet will lead a conference on how the impacts of the 4th industrial revolution and the pandemic have changed the future; Girona will involve 36 summer camp centers in an orientation game in which they will have to use technological devices to orient themselves; Figueres raises a round table of ICT women who lead entrepreneurial companies in the technology sector as an example of new business models; and in Riudellots de la Selva they will address emerging technologies and their impact on all of us with a presentation by Alfons Cornella.

From the demarcation of Lleida, in Mollerussa they prepare workshops so that citizens can test the drones and make recordings of the iconic spaces of the municipality; and Lleida will present in society the Misty robot, programmed to interact and accumulate data in the care of the elderly.

La Seu d’Urgell, the municipality of the Alt Pirineu demarcation, highlights the robotics workshop where participants must complete the construction and programming of a robot.

For its part, from Terres de l’Ebre, Ribera d’Ebre underlines the holding of a talk in the form of a debate on the future of 5G Rural.

During the weeks of June 21 to 27 and July 5 to 11, the 18 territories throughout Catalonia will promote the empowerment and digital literacy of their citizens, proposing different spaces for reflection and participation that will allow the acquisition of tools and knowledge to face our present more informed and digital empowered. Mobile Week Catalonia has the support of CaixaBank and Damm.


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