Mobile World Capital Barcelona and the Fight AIDS and Infectious Diseases Foundation will work together on technology and health projects

Mobile World Capital Barcelona and the Fight AIDS and Infectious Diseases Foundation will work together on technology and health projects

Barcelona, 8 April 2021 – Mobile World Capital Barcelona, represented by its CEO Carlos Grau, and the Fight AIDS and Infectious Diseases Foundation (FLS), by its President Dr Bonaventura Clotet, this morning signed a collaboration agreement to work together on different joint projects associated with technology and health.

The goal of both institutions is to design new projects in areas such as telemedicine and technology associated with the development of comprehensive Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) solutions. This includes data technology and artificial intelligence for use in IT systems in areas such as prevention, treatment and modelling of solutions; and smart network technologies (such as 5G) for implementing in care and health models and improving digital healthcare.

According to Carlos Grau, CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, “this health crisis has shown throughout that technology has and, in the future, will have even more of an essential part to play in dealing with emergencies and adapting to the constant changes to which today’s society is subject. The health sector still has a long way to go. Collaboration with the FLS will help us to create synergies and to implement projects and initiatives that can help us to make this progress”.

Dr Bonaventura Clotet, President of the FLS, stated that “one of the many lessons that we have learned from the current crisis caused by COVID-19 is that technology should be addressed to people and that health is a particularly critical area in this regard. The pandemic has revealed a need for remote care and telemedicine services capable of rising to the circumstances. With this collaboration with Mobile World Capital Barcelona we are committed to developing new technological solutions with a view to caring for the public’s welfare and guaranteeing a quality health system”.


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