April 16, 2014
Mobile World Centre and Fab Lab Barcelona join forces for the live display of a first: roses printed in 3D during the Day of St. George. Visitors to the Mobile World Centre will be able to see how the rose “is born and grows,” and be able to take one home for free. Through this activity, the Barcelona Mobile World Capital Foundation seeks to expose the public to 3D printing, the latest revolution in the technology sector, and one that directly impacts the way we produce and consume objects.
On St. George 2014, the Mobile World Centre will also offer a whole series of activities aimed at young people and adults alike, having to do with literature, mobiles, and technology. Guillermina Royo-Villanova – writer, poet, Illustrator, and journalist – will be the master of ceremonies for the day and will conduct live interviews of leading figures such as Pedro J. Ramírez, Àngel Llàcer, Rosa Díez, Albert Rivera, Nieves Herrero, Iñaki Anasagasti and Loles León, among others.
The event will also feature the awards ceremony for the second edition of the “Be Brief” (Sea Breve) contest for mobiles and the web 2.0, organized by Telefónica and Mobile World Capital Barcelona. As in the first edition, which drew over 200 participants, the contest consists of three categories: a short story of up to 500 characters, micro-poetry, and a quote of original humor, both of up to 140 characters.
On the Day of St. George, the Mobile World Centre will also commemorate the 20th anniversary of Stories from the Kronen (Historias del Kronen), with its author, José Angel Mañas, on hand.
Check the listing of the activities slated at the following link.
12:00h – 13:00h
- Albert Rivera – Juntos Podemos
- Alfred Lopez – Ya está el listo que todo lo sabe
- Mónica Mendoza – Lo que no cuentan en los libros de ventas
- Félix Torán Martí – Ecología Mental para Dummies
- Joan Prats – Taichi para dummies
- Luis Campo Vidal – La Tablet Mágica
13:00h – 14:00h
- Nieves Herrero – Lo que escondían sus ojos
- Damià Aguilar – Actitud Marc Màrquez
- Joan Prats – Taichi para Dummies
- Patricia Pérez – Yo sí que como
- Javier Urra – Psicohigiene
- José Antonio Pamies – Diario Nómada
16:00h – 17:00h
- Pedro J. Ramírez – La desventura de la libertad
- Ángel Llàcer – Parece difícil pero no lo es
- Iñaki Anasagasti – Jarrones chinos
- Julio Anguita. Contra la ceguera
- Ander Mirambell – Rompiendo el hielo
- Antoni Bolinches – Amor al segon intent
17:00h – 18:00h
- Rosa Díez – A favor de España
- Elisabeth Benavent – Los zapatos de Valeria
- José Ángel Mañas – Tetralogía conmemorativa (Historias del Kronen, Mensaka, La pella, Ciudad rayada)
- Carla y Guillermina Royo-Villanova – Fórmula femenina
- Guillermina Royo-Villanova – Sujeta y Predicado. Poemario
- Javier Divisa – Tres Hombres para tres ciudades
- Pura Salceda. Sial Pigmalión – El Amante circunstancial
- Amores Infieles – Antología Sial Pigmalión
18:00h – 19:00h
- Loles León – Cocinando con Loles
- Jonathan Tepper – Código Rojo
- Mónica Mendoza – Lo que no te cuentan en los libros de ventas
- Edward Hugh – ¿Adiós a la crisis?
- Marc Estevez – Deliciosa Natura
- César Pérez Gellida – Trílogia novela negra
- Sara Villegas – Marketingdencias
19:00h – 20:00h
- Joan Ridao – Contra la corrupció
- Peté Soler – Estil Barcelona
- Luis Campo Vidal – La Tablet Mágica
- Sara Villegas – Marketingdencias
- Sonia Cervantes – Viure amb un adolescent
- Manel Bonany – L’esclau de la sal
20:00h – 21:00h
- Asha Miró – Paraules Retrobades
- Eugenio Asensio – Tiza
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