MWCapital at MWC Barcelona

MWCapital at MWC Barcelona

26/FEB/2024 - 29/FEB/2024
Fira Barcelona | Gran Via | Hall 6 - Estand 6B31
09:00 - 19:00 h.

MWCapital at MWC Barcelona

MWCapital, within the framework of MWC Barcelona, has an exhibition space to showcase the most prominent trends in its activities and position Barcelona internationally. With the aim of maximizing the relationship between the congress and the city, the creation of an annual project is promoted, which is presented at the congress and then transferred to all the annual projects driven by MWCapital.

In this new edition of MWC Barcelona 2024, from MWCapital we unite the history and innovative tradition of Barcelona with the present and the future, putting people and sustainability at the center.

We create a historical journey, an exhibition from the past to the present and the future, recreating the sectors that have generated the most important changes in the industry and the economy and that continue and will continue to position Barcelona as a technological industrial hub of reference in Europe. 


Artificial Intelligence in the era of Industry 5.0

In this session we will address how artificial intelligence is developing exponentially and the role it is destined to play in the development of industry, and in particular in the Industry 5.0 paradigm, which places individual and global sustainability at the centre.

The unstoppable succession of developments and various uses of artificial intelligence are a clear opportunity for industrial development, certainly in terms of production process efficiency and effectiveness, but they are also a source of concern regarding the challenges that this development poses in terms of the future of employment and professions, the necessary supply of talent to meet the needs, and the investments required to fund this new wave of digitalisation.


• Karina Gibert – Director of the Intelligent Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Research Center (IDEAI) at the UPC
• Ricardo Baeza-Yates – Director of Research at the Institute for Experiential AI of Northeastern University
• Michela Milano – Head of Centro Interdipartimentale Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (Alma AI)


• Eduard Martín – CIO, MWCapital

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

AI Talks: The real impact of AI

This roundtable will explore the impact of artificial intelligence on business and on the consumer.


• Ana Jiménez – Senior Business Development Specialist AI/ML Iberia at Amazon Web Services
• Ana Freire, PhD. Vice Dean for Social Impact and Academic Innovation Director of the “Master in Data Analytics for Business”


• Estel Estopiñan Ventura – Head of Communications & PR, MWCapital

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

MWCapital and Barcelona Supercomputing Center: the impact of emerging technologies on the world of healthcare

MWCapital together with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) are exhibiting a prototype of a digital twin, in which attendees will be able to generate a simplified version of their heart and understand concepts such as data donor and data twin.


• Josep Maria Martorell – Associate Director at Barcelona Supercomputing Center
• Alfonso Valencia – Director of the Life Science Department at Barcelona Supercomputing Center
• Mariano Vázquez – Co-founder & CTO/SO at ELEM Biotech
• Francesc Fajula – CEO, MWCapital​
• Eduard Martín – CIO, MWCapital​
• Núria Montserrat – ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia


• Pipo Serrano – Journalist & Innovation Expert

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

MWCapital and Desigual: Generative AI, creativity and fashion

Together with Desigual, MWCapital will present a fashion design lab to create pieces of clothing using artificial intelligence. In situ, visitors will be able to design unique and customised models in real time using generative AI tools.


• Thomás Meyer – Founder and President of Desigual
• Francesc Fajula - CEO, MWCapital​
• Daniel Muñoz – Operations Director, Desigual
• Tomeu Sabater – Head of the Tech Lab, MWCapital


• Elisabet Carnicé – Presenter

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Roundtable with Desigual: Generative AI, creativity and fashion

AI algorithms are used to analyse fashion trends, consumer preferences, and even weather conditions in order to design clothing that is both aesthetic and functional. Speakers will discuss the set of challenges and opportunities that AI presents to the fashion industry.


• Vitor Neves – Womenswear Design Coordinator, Desigual
• Pol Baladas – CEO, Fermat
• Jordi Álvarez – Head of Communication, Institutional and International Relations (BAU)
• Tomeu Sabater – Head of the Tech Lab, MWCapital


• Pipo Serrano – Journalist & Innovation Expert

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

GIGA. Recent Milestones Toward Universal School Connectivity

GIGA is the United Nations programme that works towards the educational and digital inclusion of all children and schools around the world to “break the digital divide”. Its goal: to have digitally connected all educational institutions by 2030.


13:00 – 13:05: Welcome Eduard Martin, CIO MWCapital 

13:05 – 13:15: Words of welcome
• Doreen Bogdan-Martin – Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
• Kitty van der Heijden – Deputy Executive Director, Partnerships of UNICEF

13:15 – 13:35: Update on the progress of the GIGA initiative
• Alex Wong – Giga Co-Lead and Senior Adviser at ITU
• Chris Fabian – Giga Co-Lead, UNICEF

13:35– 14:15: Roundtable
• Antón Leis García – Director de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Gobierno de España
• Liliana Arroyo Moliner – Directora General de Societat Digital, Departamento de Empresa y Trabajo, Generalitat de Catalunya
• Laia Bonet – First Deputy Mayor, Barcelona City Council


• Jane Coffin – Giga Barcelona Tech Center Co-Lead ITU

14.15 – 14.25: Q&As

14:25– 14:30: Closing remarks by José María Vera – Executive Director of UNICEF Spain

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

AI TALKS: A European approach to artificial intelligence

AI regulation is inadvertently necessary, over all the global lanzamiento of herramientas such as ChatGPT and other powerful generative AI systems. Can you set up a legal framework that guarantees digital services based on trust, security and deprivacy relationships? Europe should lead this debate with the new AI Act.

• Belén Arribas – President of ENATIC, lawyer, and Listed Support Pool of Experts of the European Data Protection Board
• Manuel Szapiro – Director of the European Commission Representation
• Miguel Ferrer – Executive Vice President of Strategy and Public Agenda, Adigital


• Laia Corbella – Chief Communications and Corporate Affairs Officer, MWCapital

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Presentation of the report ‘Tech Hubs Overview’

In this session, the main conclusions of this report will be analysed by some of the participating companies. The report characterises the Barcelona technology hub market to understand how they work, what kind of projects they develop, what kind of technological profiles they employ, and the keys to understanding their exponential growth. Barcelona is positioned as one of Europe’s technological capitals, competing with cities such as Lisbon, London, Berlin, and Paris. The capacity to generate specialised digital talent and to attract international talent are some of the main factors that companies point to as decisive when it comes to locating their hub in Barcelona. In the first edition of the 2023 report, Barcelona had 96 technology hubs; in this second edition, the current figure is updated and the analysis is extended to include new tech hub profiles.

17:00: Welcome and objectives of the report
• Francesc Fajula – CEO, MWCapital

• Joan Romero – Executive Director at ACCIÓ, Generalitat de Catalunya

• Mario Rubert – Director of International Economic Promotion, Barcelona City Council

17:15: Presentation of conclusions
• Jordi Arrufí – Corporate Development Officer and Digital Talent Program Director, MWCapital

• Gastón Besanson – VP, Global Head of Data Science, Pepsico
• Laura Sancho –  Iberian IT Director & Europe PMO Lead, Schneider Electric
• Marieta Ramos –  Head of IT, Boehringer Ingelheim

17:55: Q&A

18:00: End of the event

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

MWCapital and Hispano-Suiza: the future of mobility

Presentation of the first simulator from the iconic Spanish brand Hispano-Suiza. Visitors will be able to drive an Hispano-Suiza Carmen Boulogne around the historic Montjuïc circuit, recreated for the occasion, in a totally individual and interactive way.

• Sergio Martínez Campos – CEO, Hispano-Suiza
• Francesc Fajula – CEO, MWCapital​

“Remember the Future” experience:

• Francesc Fajula – CEO, MWCapital​
• Sergio Martínez – CEO, Hispano-Suiza ​
• Luís Pérez Sala – Former Formula 1 Driver and Hispano-Suiza Brand Ambassador
• Pablo Suárez – Test driver for Hispano-Suiza

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Hispano-Suiza presents its first driving simulator in partnership with MWCapital

This session explores the future of mobility and offers the opportunity to try out the first simulator from the iconic Spanish brand, allowing participants to drive a Hispano-Suiza Carmen Boulogne on the historic Montjuïc circuit, which has been recreated for the occasion.


• Luís Pérez Sala – Former Formula 1 Driver and Hispano-Suiza Brand Ambassador
• Pablo Suárez – Test driver for Hispano-Suiza
• Victor Cobos – CMO, Hispano-Suiza
• Eduard Martín – CIO, MWCapital


• Pipo Serrano – Journalist & Innovation Expert

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Innovation strategy and model to accelerate the digital transformation of the Generalitat de Catalunya

In a world undergoing constant technological evolution, public administration is faced with the need to develop a new relationship and interaction with citizens: a more agile and flexible relationship, in which people’s needs guide government activity and digital technologies transform the way in which services are provided. In this context, the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies (CTTI) of the Generalitat de Catalunya understands that the technological innovation model must evolve and promote a digital innovation platform that connects the public sector with the agents of the country’s digital ecosystem, thus driving the digital transformation of the administration by launching and resolving challenges. The CTTI’s mission is to respond to these challenges by seeking and developing new ideas, products, services, and innovative and disruptive technological proposals.


• Lluís Anaya – Executive Director of Digital Innovation, Digital Consultancy and Social Spheres at the Centre for Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Generalitat de Catalunya

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

AI Talks: The new information age

This session will explore the technological advances that are transforming the production and distribution of information content, as well as the challenges and opportunities that arise in this new information age.


• Miquel Molina Muntané – Deputy Editor, La Vanguardia
• Georgina Ferri Tordera – Managing Director, Diari Ara
• Carol Alvarez Montesinos – Deputy Director, El Periódico
• Cristina Farrés Falgueras – Director, Crónica Global

Location: MWC – Hall 6 – Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Presentation of the new strategy of the initiative ‘Árees Digitals’.

The ‘Árees Digitals’ project is an initiative promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya within the framework of the new Territorial Social and Digital Innovation Strategy, with the support of MWCapital and the i2CAT Foundation. The project transforms the so-called ‘Árees 5G’ into spaces for the regional dissemination and promotion of Advanced Digital Technologies (ADT), using a methodology based on collaboration between agents and communities of the quadruple helix to generate new projects and investment in research and development throughout Catalonia. This session will present the new ‘Árees Digitals’ strategy, as well as the status of the project to date and the challenges for the coming year. In addition, the recently presented pilot project ‘Eje Comercial AR’, carried out in the city of Lleida, will be exhibited.


• Liliana Arroyo – Director General of the Digital Society, Generalitat de Catalunya
• Eduard Martín –  CIO, MWCapital
• Sergi Figuerola – Director, i2CAT Foundation
• Alan Navarro – Industrial Business Developer a Invelon

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Women leading the manufacturing sector

This roundtable will explore themes of women in leadership within the industrial sector. Reflecting on the pivotal role of women, speakers will discuss strategies for harnessing their potential and explore the need for cultural transformation. By addressing the challenges of diversity in the workplace, this session aims to inspire change and promote professional development opportunities.


• Mireia Gilibert – Innovation Lyfecycle Officer, EIT Urban
• Teresa Hernandez - Women TechEU Lead, EIT Manufacturing​
• Anastasia Garbi – Head of R&D, Eurodynamics


• Marjorie Grassler – European Project Manager, MWCapital​

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Elevate your innovations by matching with European funding opportunities

European projects are the gateway to boosting innovation in your organisation. However, reaching them is difficult if you are still working on your network. That is why, in this space, we will tell you about the funding opportunities available from the European Commission.


• Antoni Pijoan – Managing Director EIT Manufacturing West
• Ivan Huerta – Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Perception Research Lead, i2CAT
• Ignacio Vilela – European Programs Manager and International R&D Projects, ITCL Technology Centre
• Miguel García – CEO and co-founder, Sploro
• Lluís Alfons Ariño Martin – Digital Strategist, Rovira i Virgili University
• Jordi Mongay – Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Telecommunications and Cybersecurity
• Sofía Bucca – Business and Administration Director, Science for Change
• Jordi Ortiz – CEO at Secartys
• Isabel Burdallo – Senior Researcher, RISE
• David Nogalés – International Project Manager, MWCapital


• Marta Portalés – Head of EU Projects, MWCapital

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

The Digital Talent Gap and BCN Inclusive Coding

In this session we will explore the importance of an alliance such as the one exemplified by BCN Inclusive Coding and the impact it generates thanks to the collaboration between companies, government entities and the social sector; coming together to reduce the worrying digital talent gap, in turn boosting inclusion and diversity in the IT sector. In this roundtable we will analyse how mentoring, quality training, and job opportunities have become fundamental pillars for the transformation and empowerment of individuals in vulnerable situations and a great opportunity for companies to cover their digital talent needs, which in turn has a relevant social impact.


• Ricard Faura – Head of the Digital Inclusion and Empowerment Service, Department of Business and Work, Generalitat de Catalunya
• Joel Ferrer – Director of the Training and Employment Area and the European Projects Area, Fundació Esplai
• Violeta Gibaja – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist for Europe, Globant
• Bianca Inga – Front-end Developer, Babel


• Marc Soldevila – Digital Talent Project Manager, MWCapital

Location: MWC – Hall 6 – Stand MWCapital (6B31)

MWCapital and Wallbox: the future of energy management

Presentation of an experience of autonomous energy supply for homes and vehicles based on the storage function of electric chargers. By means of an interactive 3D model, it is possible to learn about the features offered by this system, which anticipates a future use for electric vehicle charging systems.


• Ivan Tallón – Country Manager at Wallbox Iberia
• Francesc Fajula – CEO, MWCapital


• Elisabet Carnicé – Presenter

Location: MWC – Hall 6 – Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Roundtable with Wallbox: the future of energy management

During the roundtable, participants will explore the future of energy management, its possibilities and challenges.


• Eduard Martín – CIO, MWCapital​
• Eduard Castañeda – Innovation Director and co-founder of Wallbox
• Daniel Montesinos – Director, CITCEA-UPC


• Laia Ferrer – Journalist

Location: MWC – Hall 6 – Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Tertiary sector roundtable: risks and opportunities of AI in the social tertiary sector

AI opens a window of opportunity to amplify the reach of not-for-profit organisations. However, given limited resources and the current level of digitalisation, it is essential that tertiary sector organisations approach this technology with a considered and clearly defined strategy. This roundtable will explore the opportunities arising from AI, together with recommendations and reflections to assess implementation in this sector.


• Francina Alsina – President of the Bureau of Third Social Sector Organisations of Catalonia
• Alfonso Lara Montero – CEO of the European Social Network
• Francesc Fajula – CEO, MWCapital
• Maria Eugènia Gay – Second Deputy Mayor and Head of the Area for Social Rights, Culture, Education, and Life Cycles at Barcelona City Council
• Carles Campuzano – Minister of Social Rights of the Generalitat of Catalonia

12:20h.  Presentation of the report “Radar of AI algorithms and automated processes for access to social rights of the citizens of Catalonia”

• Romén Adan – Political scientist and co-author of the study (KSNET)

12:30h. Presentation of the report “Towards a responsible use of algorithms: methods and tools for their audit and evaluation” (MWCapital Observatory)

• Dr. J. Ignacio Criado – Senior Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Director of ITGesPub Innovation, Technology, and Public Management Lab

12:45 – 13:30h. The challenges of using AI in public administration

• Rosa Maria Fumàs – Head of the Digital Transformation Plan for Basic Social Services, Generalitat de Catalunya
• Sonia Fuertes – Commissioner for Social Action, Barcelona City Council
• José Luis Prieto Rivera – Director of the Agency for Social Services and Dependency, Andalusian Regional Government
• Dr. J. Ignacio Criado – Senior Lecturer at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Director of ITGesPub Innovation, Technology, and Public Management Lab


• Alfonso Lara Montero – CEO of the European Social Network

13:30 – 14:15h. Artificial intelligence for better social action

• Pilar Rodríguez – Deputy Manager and Director of the Social and Health Operational Unit, Catalan Drug Addiction Federation
• Jesús Hernandez – EU Accessibility Director and Director of Accessibility and Innovation at ONCE
• Dúnia Rosselló – Directora de marketing y comunicación, Suara Coorperativa
• José Antonio Ondiviela Garcia – Director of Industry Government, Cities, Microsoft Western Europe; Director of WW Observatory for Attractive Cities for Talent
• César Buenadicha – Chief Discovery Officer of BID Lab


• Gerard Sentís – Head of the m4Social project of the Bureau of Third Sector Organisations in Catalonia

Location: MWC – Hall 6- Stand MWCapital (6B31)

Francesc Fajula
Francesc Fajula

CEO, Mobile World Capital Barcelona 

See Profile
Eduard Martín
Eduard Martín

CIO, Mobile ​World Capital Barcelona​

See Profile
Jordi Arrufí
Jordi Arrufí

Director of Business Development and Head of Digital Talent and Tech Transfer, Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Thomás Meyer
Thomás Meyer

Founder & President, Desigual

Josep Maria Martorell
Josep Maria Martorell

Associate Director, Barcelona Supercomuting Center

See Profile
Sergio Martínez Campos
Sergio Martínez Campos

CEO, Hispano Suiza

See Profile
Ivan Tallón
Ivan Tallón

Country Manager, Wallbox Iberia

See Profile
Alfonso Valencia
Alfonso Valencia

Life Science Department Director, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

See Profile
Daniel Muñoz 
Daniel Muñoz 

IT & Supply Chain Director, Desigual

See Profile
Eduard Castañeda
Eduard Castañeda

Innovation Director and co-founder, Wallbox

See Profile
Mariano Vázquez
Mariano Vázquez

Co-Founder & CTO/SO, ELEM Biotech​

See Profile
Núria Montserrat
Núria Montserrat

ICREA Research and Group Leader, Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia

See Profile
Pablo Suárez
Pablo Suárez

Test pilot, Hispano Suïssa

See Profile
Luís Pérez Sala
Luís Pérez Sala

Former Formula 1 Driver; Brand Ambassador, Hispano Suiza

Daniel Montesinos
Daniel Montesinos

 Director, CITCEA-UPC

See Profile
Vítor Neves
Vítor Neves

Womenswear Design Coordinator, Desigual 

See Profile
Pol Baladas
Pol Baladas

CEO, design and engineering Lead, Fermat​

See Profile
Jordi Álvarez
Jordi Álvarez

Communication, Institutional and International Relations Manager, BAU ​

Liliana Arroyo
Liliana Arroyo

General director of Digital Society, Generalitat de Catalunya

See Profile
Sergi Figuerola
Sergi Figuerola

Director, Fundació i2CAT

See Profile
Doreen Bogdan-Martin
Doreen Bogdan-Martin

Secretary General, ITU 

See Profile
Kitty van der Heijden
Kitty van der Heijden

Deputy Executive Director, Partnerships, UNICEF 

See Profile
Laia Bonet
Laia Bonet

First Deputy Mayor, Barcelona City Council

See Profile
Chris Fabian
Chris Fabian

Giga Co-Lead, UNICEF

See Profile
Alex Wong
Alex Wong

Giga Co-Lead, ITU

See Profile
José María Vera
José María Vera

Executive Director, UNICEF Spain

See Profile
Karina Gibert 
Karina Gibert 

Director of the research center Intelligent Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI-UPC), UPC

See Profile
Ricardo Baeza-Yates
Ricardo Baeza-Yates

Director of Research, Institute for Experiential AI, Northeastern University

See Profile
Michela Milano 
Michela Milano 

Head, Centro Interdipartimentale Alma Mater Research Institute for Human -Centered Artificial Intelligence- (Alma AI)

Francina Alsina
Francina Alsina

President, Catalan Third Social Sector Platform

Carles Campuzano
Carles Campuzano

Councilor for Social Rights, Generalitat de Catalunya

See Profile
Alfonso Lara Montero
Alfonso Lara Montero

Director, European Social Network

See Profile
Maria Eugènia Gay
Maria Eugènia Gay

Second deputy mayor and area of Social Rights, Culture, Education and Life Cycles, Barcelona City Council

See Profile
Romén Adan
Romén Adan

Political scientist and co-author, KSNET

Rosa Maria Fumàs
Rosa Maria Fumàs

Responsible for the Digital Transformation Plan of Basic Social Services, Generalitat de Catalunya

See Profile
Sonia Fuertes
Sonia Fuertes

Commissioner of Social Action, Barcelona City Council

See Profile
Jose Luis Prieto Rivera
Jose Luis Prieto Rivera

Managing Director Agency for Social Services and Dependency, Junta de Andalucía

Dr. J. Ignacio Criado
Dr. J. Ignacio Criado

Professor, Autonomous University of Madrid; Director of the ITGesPub Innovation, Technology and Public Management Lab

See Profile
Pilar Rodriguez
Pilar Rodriguez

Deputy to management and director of the Social and Health Operational Unit, Catalan Federation of Drug Addictions

See Profile
Jesús Hernandez
Jesús Hernandez

Director of Accessibility and Innovation, ONCE; Director of the European Center for Accessibility, European Commission

See Profile
Jose Antonio Ondiviela Garcia
Jose Antonio Ondiviela Garcia

Western Europe Government / SmartCities Solutions Director, Microsoft

See Profile
Gerard Sentís
Gerard Sentís

Responsible for the m4Social project, Board of Organizations of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia

See Profile
 Cesar Buenadicha
 Cesar Buenadicha

Chief Discovery Officer, IDB Lab

See Profile
Ana Jiménez Castellanos
Ana Jiménez Castellanos

AI/ML Sr. Business Development Specialist for South Europe,​ Amazon Web Services

See Profile
Belén Arribas
Belén Arribas

Listed Support Pool of Experts; member of the legal experts in tech, European Data Protection Board

See Profile
Manuel Szapiro
Manuel Szapiro

Head of Representation, European Comission

See Profile
Lluís Anaya
Lluís Anaya

Executive director of Digital Innovation, Digital Consulting & Social Areas at the Center for Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Generalitat de Catalunya

Teresa Hernandez 
Teresa Hernandez 

Women TechEU Lead, EIT Manufacturing​

See Profile
Anastasia Garbi 
Anastasia Garbi 

Head of R&D, Eurodynamics​

See Profile
dr. J. Ignacio Criado
dr. J. Ignacio Criado

Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Director of the ITGesPub Innovation, Technology and Public Management Lab

See Profile
Tomeu Sabater
Tomeu Sabater

Head of Tech Lab, Mobile World Capital Barcelona 

See Profile
Miguel Ferrer
Miguel Ferrer

Executive Vice President of Strategy and Public Agenda, Adigital 

See Profile
Alan Navarro
Alan Navarro

Industrial Business Developer a Invelon

See Profile
Laia Ferrer
Laia Ferrer


Antón Leis García
Antón Leis García

Director de la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID), Gobierno de España

Gastón Besanson
Gastón Besanson

VP, Global Head of Data Science, Pepsico 

Laura Sancho
Laura Sancho

Iberian IT Director & Europe PMO Lead, Schneider Electric 

Marieta Ramos
Marieta Ramos

Head of IT, Boehringer Ingelheim 

Miquel Rodríguez Planas
Miquel Rodríguez Planas

Director of Economic Development & Promotion Ajuntament de Barcelona

Mireia Gilibert
Mireia Gilibert

Innovation Lyfecycle Officer, EIT Urban 

Marc Soldevila
Marc Soldevila

Digital Talent Project Manager, MWCapital

Violeta Gibaja
Violeta Gibaja

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist for Europe, Globant

Joel Ferrer
Joel Ferrer

 Director of the Training and Employment Area and the European Projects Area, Fundació Esplai

 Bianca Inga
 Bianca Inga

 Front-end Developer, Babel

Jane Coffin
Jane Coffin

Giga Barcelona Tech Center Co-Lead ITU 

See Profile
 Victor Cobos
 Victor Cobos

CMO, Hispano-Suiza

Dúnia Rosselló
Dúnia Rosselló

 Directora de marketing y comunicación, Suara Coorperativa

Antoni Pijoan
Antoni Pijoan

Managing Director EIT Manufacturing West

Ivan Huerta
Ivan Huerta

Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Perception Research Lead, i2CAT

Ignacio Vilela
Ignacio Vilela

European Programs Manager and International R&D Projects, ITCL Technology Centre

Miguel García
Miguel García

CEO and co-founder, Sploro

Lluís Alfons Ariño Martin
Lluís Alfons Ariño Martin

Digital Strategist, Rovira i Virgili University

Jordi Mongay
Jordi Mongay

Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Telecommunications and Cybersecurity

Sofía Bucca
Sofía Bucca

Business and Administration Director, Science for Change

Jordi Ortiz
Jordi Ortiz

CEO, Secartys

Isabel Burdallo
Isabel Burdallo

Senior Researcher, RISE

Marta Portalés
Marta Portalés

Head of EU Projects, MWCapital

David Nogalés
David Nogalés

International Project Manager, MWCapital

Ana Freire
Ana Freire

PhD in Computer Science, Vice-dean for Social Impact & Academic Innovation, UPF Barcelona School Management

See Profile
Miquel Molina Muntané
Miquel Molina Muntané

Deputy Editor, La Vanguardia

See Profile
Georgina Ferri Tordera
Georgina Ferri Tordera

Managing Director, Diari Ara

See Profile
Carol Alvarez Montesino
Carol Alvarez Montesino

Deputy Director, El Periódico

See Profile
Cristina Farrés Falgueras
Cristina Farrés Falgueras

Director, Crónica Global

See Profile
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Fira Barcelona | Gran Via
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InfoSession Call For Technologies – 2nd intake
InfoSession Call For Technologies – 2nd intake
We invite you to this online InfoSession, led by MWCapital’s The Collider team, to learn all the details of the Call for Technologies 2024 and the participation process. In this session we will provide the necessary guidance to be able to participate in this call with a solvent project that will get all the support and resources needed to transform the technology developed in research centers into a high impact solution for the market and industry.  Read More
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Mobile Lunch
Mobile Lunch
Mobile Lunch is the annual event organized by Mobile World Capital Barcelona that symbolizes MWC kicks off. This gathering brings together the founding partners of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, local and national institutions, and business leaders at an iconic location in the city of Barcelona. Read More
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Tech Hubs Overview Report 2024
Tech Hubs Overview Report 2024
In this session, the main conclusions of the report will be analyzed with the insights of some participating companies. The report characterizes the Barcelona technology hub market to understand how they operate, the type of projects they develop, the technological profiles they employ, and the keys to understanding their exponential growth. Read More
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Call for Technologies 2024 — 2nd intake
Call for Technologies 2024 — 2nd intake
The Tech Transfer programme of Mobile World Capital Barcelona launches this annual call aimed at researchers with applied technology projects. This call marks the beginning of the 2024 edition of the deep-tech startup creation programme by MWCapital-The Collider, which is already celebrating its eighth anniversary. Read More
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mSchools Lab
mSchools Lab
mSchools Lab, an initiative by Mobile World Capital Barcelona and mSchools, is an open innovation programme that, through public-private collaboration, promotes the identification, piloting, and evaluation of the impact of digital solutions with the potential to contribute to the improvement and digital transformation of education. Read More
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