Mobile Talks

The new education

Apr 28, 2021 - Apr 28, 2021
17:00H - 18:00H
Education is another one of the sectors in which digitalisation has marked a turning point with huge professional, social and aspirational changes. The revolution of new technologies and hyperconnectivity is causing the education system as a whole to undergo profound transformation. What will the student or teacher of the future be like? What kind of impact will the trend for lifelong learning have? How does hyperconnectivity affect learning itself? And what about the digital divide between those who do not have the resources?

With the collaboration of CaixaBank and the expert vision of Andreas Schleicher, a German-born teacher, statistician and director for education at OCDE."
Andreas Schleicher
Andreas Schleicher
Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Javier Rodriguez Zapatero
Javier Rodriguez Zapatero
Executive Chairman of ISDI and DIGITAL TALENT Group
Marta Padrós
Marta Padrós
Director of development of Human Resources, Caixabank
Marc Sanz Lopez
Marc Sanz Lopez
Head of Education at Google - Europe and North Africa
Albert Forn
Albert Forn
Director mSchools - GSMA