Digital Workshop Week
Digital Workshop Week
Digital Workshop Week is a free digital training week, organised by Mobile World Capital Barcelona. From 22 to 31 May you can learn the key skills and technologies that are revolutionising the digital ecosystem. Read More
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IT.nerary Day
IT.nerary Day
IT.nerary Day is an event organised by Mobile World Capital Barcelona in collaboration with Barcelona City Council, which aims to foster the incorporation of international talent in the city's digital sector. The event will be held on 17 May at the Estrella Damm Old Brewery, where students will be able to meet leading companies in the digital field and establish professional connections. Read More
Antigua Fábrica Estrella Damm
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Tech&Play is the technology festival for the general public, organized by Mobile World Capital Barcelona, aiming to bring experiences showcased at the last edition of MWC Barcelona in a playful and experiential way. Its second edition will take place from April 25th to April 28th. Read More
Fabra i Coats: Fàbrica de creació
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Teen Fact-Checking Network Scholarship
Teen Fact-Checking Network Scholarship
Teen Fact-Checking Network (TFCN) is a virtual newsroom made up of middle and high school students who use social networks to debunk viral misinformation and share media literacy tips. Run successfully in the United States by MediaWise for over 4 years, the TFCN Fellowship now expands to Spain thanks to a partnership between MediaWise, Verificat and MWCapital. Read More
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Barcelona is one of the most exciting destinations in the world, full of energy, culture, flavor, and innovation. BEAT BARCELONA, the official afterwork of MWC Barcelona, captures this spirit for relaxed networking and unique entertainment. Read More
Fira Barcelona | Gran Via
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Talent Arena
Talent Arena
Talent Arena is here, the Mobile World Capital Barcelona event at MWC Barcelona 2024 that revolves around talent and digital skills, offering a platform for both competition and collaboration. It is not only a networking event for the professional technology sector, but also a space to address the gap between skilled professionals and today's digital landscape. Read More
Fira Barcelona | Gran Via
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