20:00 h.
Tech Hubs Overview Report 2024
February 14th, 2024
In this session, the main conclusions of the report will be analyzed with the insights of some participating companies. The report characterizes the Barcelona technology hub market to understand how they operate, the type of projects they develop, the technological profiles they employ, and the keys to understanding their exponential growth.
Barcelona is positioning itself as one of the European capitals for technological talent, competing with cities like Lisbon, London, Berlin, or Paris. The ability to generate specialized digital talent and attract international talent are among the main factors that companies point to as decisive when locating their hub in the Catalan capital.
- Participants:
- Francesc Fajula, CEO at Mobile World Capital Barcelona.
- Roger Torrent, Minister of Business and Labor at Generalitat de Catalunya
- Raquel Gil, Councillor for Economic Promotion and Labour, Feminisms, Equality and Historical Memory of the Barcelona City Council
- Jordi Arrufí, Director of Digital Talent at Mobile World Capital Barcelona
- Representatives of the business sector

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