Teen Fact-Checking Network Scholarship

Teen Fact-Checking Network Scholarship

05/FEB/2024 - 13/MAR/2024

Teen Fact-Checking Network Scholarship

Teen Fact-Checking Network (TFCN) is a virtual newsroom made up of middle and high school students who use social networks to debunk viral misinformation and share media literacy tips. Run successfully in the United States by MediaWise for over 4 years, the TFCN Fellowship now expands to Spain thanks to a partnership between MediaWise, Verificat and MWCapital.

In this initiative, we select young people with a critical spirit to be part of an online newsroom dedicated to debunking internet hoaxes. In collaboration with journalists from Verificat, the first fact-checking organization in Catalonia, we investigate false or misleading content on social networks and produce videos for Instagram and TikTok to spread truthful and quality information.

The second call for applications is already underway! If you want to be part of this online newsroom, this is your chance, submit your application before March 13 for a chance to be one of the 10 selected!

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InfoSession Call For Technologies – 2nd intake
InfoSession Call For Technologies – 2nd intake
We invite you to this online InfoSession, led by MWCapital’s The Collider team, to learn all the details of the Call for Technologies 2024 and the participation process. In this session we will provide the necessary guidance to be able to participate in this call with a solvent project that will get all the support and resources needed to transform the technology developed in research centers into a high impact solution for the market and industry.  Read More
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Mobile Lunch
Mobile Lunch
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Tech Hubs Overview Report 2024
Tech Hubs Overview Report 2024
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Call for Technologies 2024 — 2nd intake
Call for Technologies 2024 — 2nd intake
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mSchools Lab
mSchools Lab
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