Barcelona Digital Talent cierra 2019 con cerca de 1.000 entrevistas en formato speed dating para captar talento digital
20 de diciembre de 2019 Barcelona 20 de diciembre de 2019.- Barcelona Digital Talent ha organizado tres speed datings durante 2019 para poner en contacto talento digital con grandes corporaciones, pymes y startups. En concreto,…
FGC joins the 5G Barcelona initiative to develop 5G solutions in railway networks
6 December, 2019 Barcelona, 6th December 2019.- FGC has joined 5G Barcelona, an initiative that works towards positioning Barcelona and Catalonia as an innovative and open environment for the validation and adoption…
Digital Future Society participa en la Cumbre del Clima COP25 para debatir el papel de la tecnología en la emergencia climática
5 de diciembre de 2019 Barcelona, 5 de diciembre de 2019.- Digital Future Society, la iniciativa impulsada por el Ministerio de Economía y Empresa y Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital), participará el próximo 13…
Albatàrrec, a Lleida, estrena el primer camp connectat amb 5G de tot l’Estat
27 de setembre de 2019. Albatàrrec, 27 de setembre de 2019.- Un camp de nectarines d’Albatàrrec (Segrià) s’ha convertit avui en el primer camp connectat amb 5G de tot l’Estat. Es tracta d’una iniciativa pionera i un exemple…
Catalonia becomes the first European 5G open laboratory
25 July, 2019 As of today, Catalonia will become a unique open environment for 5G experimentation in Europe in which any local or international institution that so requires may validate its services and solutions in real environments. The…
Mobile World Capital Barcelona holds the first meeting of the Board of Trustees since CaixaBank joined the Foundation
18 July, 2019 Today, Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital) has held a meeting of its Board of Trustees at which it formalised CaixaBank’s membership of this body. MWCapital’s top governing body will henceforth…
CaixaBank joins the board of trustees of Mobile World Capital Barcelona
12 july, 2019 Barcelona, 12 July 2019. CaixaBank is to join the board of trustees of Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital). Jordi Gual, Chairman of CaixaBank, and Carlos Grau, CEO of Mobile World…
30% of the R+D projects involving The Collider become companies
8 July, 2019 Barcelona, 8 July 2019.- Mobile World Capital Barcelona is closing the second edition of The Collider, its technology transfer programme, with the creation of three startups that are highly innovative and…
Novartis joins The Collider, Mobile World Capital Barcelona’s tech transfer programme
8 July, 2019 Barcelona, 8 July 2019.- Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital) and Novartis have reached an agreement to collaborate in The Collider, the MWCapital’s technology…
Twenty startups travel to Shanghai with Mobile World Capital Barcelona
20 June, 2019 Barcelona, 21 June 2019.- On 25 June, twenty startups from all over Spain that operate with technology and innovation applied to sectors such as tourism, telecommunications and trade will travel to Shanghai (China) in association…
Cruïlla becomes Europe’s first 5G festival
13 June, 2019 Festival Cruïlla has become one of the world’s first testing grounds for 5G technology applied to the entertainment and live music industry thanks to Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Cellnex Telecom, ACCIONA, MASMOVIL…
Twenty schools win the mSchools Student Awards 2019 with their digital projects
8 June, 2019 Barcelona, 08 June 2019– Twenty schools all over Catalonia today received the mSchools Student Awards 2019, which acknowledge young digital talent and encourage the creativity, abilities and skills required…