7 startups of The Collider launch investment rounds totaling €5 million at Investors Day 2022

7 startups of The Collider launch investment rounds totaling €5 million at Investors Day 2022

  • The seventh edition of the Investors Day of The Collider, the innovation program of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, was attended by more than 30 investors, business angels and corporate venture capitals from Spain, Europe, Israel and the Americas.
  • A total of 7 startups with disruptive projects, 4 from the energy and industry 4.0 sector and 3 from the health and life sciences sector, have managed to raise €5 million on this day.
  • The Collider‘s portfolio includes 15 startups specialized in deeptech, which have reached a market value of approximately €20 million.

Barcelona, June 1st, 2022 – The Collider, the innovation program of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, held the seventh edition of Investors Day 2022, an annual event to present the startups in its portfolio to its international network of venture capitalists, business angels and corporate venture capitals. This year, more than 30 attendees from Spain, Israel and America participated in the event.

In this sense, the sum of the seven investment rounds has reached a total amount of 5 million euros that will contribute to the momentum of these early stage. After these new rounds, the portfolio of MWCapital’s innovation program, with 15 startups specialized in deeptech, has reached a market value of approximately 20 million euros.

Daniel Gonzálvez, Portfolio & Investment Manager of The Collider, highlighted the differential value of the innovation program: “The starting point of The Collider is science. We help technology and technological solutions born in the scientific field to become leading startups in their industry”. Gonzálvez also thanked the investors in attendance for “their support in the process of creating, guiding and validating the projects so that they can be successful in the market”.

The deeptech that will transform society 

Throughout the day, the seven deeptech companies presented their disruptive projects to investors: 

Energy and Industry 4.0

  • eRoots is an integrated software to handle the most critical analysis and simulation tasks for companies that monitor and manage large-scale power grids. The current geopolitical situation will accelerate the generation of renewable electricity, and eRoots’ technology will increase the industry’s accuracy at a much lower cost of calculation. eRoots is developing a pilot with Red Eléctrica.
  • JOLT has developed and patented a technology to drive the green hydrogen market. The company offers an ultra-fast method for producing self-supporting electrodes for use in electrolyzers and fuel cells that produce hydrogen. Its technology increases the energy efficiency of electrolyzers and fuel cells, provides greater durability and robustness of the electrodes, and enables a faster manufacturing process at lower production costs.
  • UniScool offers a transverse cooling solution to solve the thermal problems of data processing centers, electronic devices, photovoltaic panels and electric vehicles. Its patented liquid cooling technology reduces power consumption by 30-70% and increases reliability and component lifetime by up to 20%. Uniscool plans to promote pilot projects with companies such as Mediacloud, Intel, Ingeteam and WallBox.
  • Deep Detection  has developed a spectral X-ray camera for real-time scanning that provides a sharper image at high speeds. The company solves one of the biggest problems in the food industry: the detection of low-density foreign bodies. In 2021 Deep Detection drove 10 pilot projects with X-ray camera manufacturers and international companies in the food and beverage industry. In 2022 it plans to close commercial agreements with manufacturers of inspection machines. 
  • Cooling Photonicshas developed and patented a cooling technology based on the natural process of radiative cooling by which all bodies regulate their temperature. The technology makes it possible to reduce the temperature from 5 to 20ºC depending on the properties of the material, without energy consumption and with zero emissions. Its main application is the thermal regulation of machines and buildings, and its efficiency in electronics, machinery and photovoltaic and thermoelectric energy production stands out. Cooling is developing pilots with Mercedes Benz and Agbar.

Health and life science

  • Ephion Health is a digital health platform that uses artificial intelligence to monitor the evolution of patients with diseases and ailments that affect mobility. Its software integrates health data from multiple wearables to offer a single, complete reading through machine learning. The solution saves resources and time in clinical studies, treatments and functional tests. Ephion Health expects to sell its first certified medical device product in early 2023, followed by a new one every 6 months.
  • EXHEUS offers the world’s first commercial genetic DTC test that analyzes complete RNA in blood samples from healthy and unhealthy people. The solution collects and analyzes, through applied artificial intelligence, information from the 22,000 genes in the human body to provide personalized lifestyle recommendations or correct deviations affecting the body. In 2021 EXHEUS launched pilots with FC Barcelona and Clínica Asunción and in 2022 is focused on growing in Spain and expanding into the U.S. market.

Almost 100 jobs created over 6 years

In 2021, The Collider generated thirty new direct jobs and raised nearly $5 million for the startups in its portfolio. In the six years of The Collider’s life, the program has contributed to the creation of 18 startups, 15 of which are still active. They employ close to 100 people between direct and indirect personnel in the field of science. In addition, each year the program supports more than 100 corporations in the implementation of pilots.

These figures reaffirm The Collider’s vocation to select research projects and transform them into commercial solutions, together with corporations and entrepreneurs, through an annual incubation process. In addition, the program achieves the transfer of knowledge to the market and connects the spin-offs created with investors. The companies that are part of The Collider receive strategic, management and investment support.

“Deeptechs offer a great opportunity for investors, as they allow them to participate in unique projects, with a lot of growth potential and that generate quality jobs. In addition, these spin-offs, thanks to their scientific-entrepreneurial nature, are key to face the challenges we face as a society and as an industry. Therefore, at The Collider, we foresee a greater creation of investment funds for deeptech in Europe, as a sign of the maturity of the investment ecosystem”, explains Oscar Sala, director of The Collider.


Mobile World Capital Barcelona is an initiative that drives the digital development of society and helps improve people’s lives globally. With public and private support, MWCapital focuses its activity in four areas: accelerating innovation through digital entrepreneurship; transforming industry through digital technology; growing digital talent among new generations and professionals; and reflecting on the impact of technology in our society. Together, our programs are positively transforming the economy, education and society. MWCapital hosts MWC in Barcelona and is the founder of 4 Years From Now (4YFN), the business platform for the startup community present at all MWC events worldwide.


The Collider, Mobile World Capital Barcelona’s innovation program, bridges the gap between science and market to create disruptive technology-based startups. To do so, the program fosters an entrepreneurial mindset in universities and uses the researcher-entrepreneur formula to create new high-value companies. The program focuses on the identification and business development of highly disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, blockchain or virtual reality, connecting scientific and entrepreneurial talent. The Collider encourages the participation of companies to launch early-stage pilots and open new lines of business, helping to increase their competitiveness.


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