MWC Barcelona 23, venue for the presentation of the agreement between Mobile World Capital Barcelona and COIT to promote STEM vocations

MWC Barcelona 23, venue for the presentation of the agreement between Mobile World Capital Barcelona and COIT to promote STEM vocations

Mobile World Capital Barcelona, through the 5G National Observatory initiative developed with the collaboration of the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, presented this morning the collaboration agreement with the Plan for the Promotion of Telecommunications Studies (PPET), a project funded by the UNICO R&D programme, which receives funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The project, coordinated by the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers, in which a total of 12 universities and research centres participate, aims to promote STEM vocations to meet the country’s technological challenges, with a special focus on telecommunications engineering studies.

Spain is a country with a business ecosystem that is very close to innovation centres and with great opportunities for talent to develop and contribute to this cutting-edge technology to provide solutions for citizens. To this end, working meetings are being held during MWC Barcelona 23 to draw up a roadmap with different actions aimed at achieving this goal. Eduard Martín, CIO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona and director of the 5G National Observatory, and Federico Ruiz, head of the 5G National Observatory, participated in the presentation of the agreement on behalf of Mobile World Capital Barcelona. On behalf of the COIT, Juan Carlos López, Vice-Dean of the COIT, and Mónica Navarro, Director of Institutional Relations and Communication of the CTTC.


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