Guarda+ brings the nature and culture of the Val d’Aran closer with immersive experiences and augmented reality 

Guarda+ brings the nature and culture of the Val d’Aran closer with immersive experiences and augmented reality 

  • This pilot project makes it easier for anyone to enjoy the nature and culture of the Val d’Aran interactively, both on-site and remotely. 
  • It offers information on routes, monuments, weather conditions, and other points of interest, accessible through an app, a dedicated website, and virtual reality glasses. 
  • It is part of the Digital Area of Aran and is powered by the Digital Areas project led by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Mobile World Capital Barcelona, and the i2CAT Foundation. 

The Guarda+ pilot project was presented today, featuring immersive experiences, virtual and augmented reality, and weather sensors to make it easier for anyone to enjoy the nature and culture of the Val d’Aran, both on the ground and remotely. 

This project has developed a pioneering solution with 5G technology, aimed at reducing the digital divide in rural areas and enriching the tourist and hiking experience in the Val d’Aran. Guarda+ offers real-time information on routes, weather conditions and other data of interest through a mobile application and a specific website. In addition, this summer, the Val d’Aran Museum has offered an immersive experience with virtual reality glasses, bringing technology even closer to the local culture. 

The presentation ceremony, held at the Conselh Generau d’Aran, was attended by Xavier Flores, coordinator of the Digital Areas Strategy of the Secretariat for Digital Policies of the Generalitat de Catalunya; Eduard Martín, CIO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona; Rosa Paradell, director of Public Sector Innovation at the i2CAT Foundation; Maria Vergés, Ombudsman of the General Council of Aran; Eva Fiter, director of the Institute for the Development and Promotion of the High Pyrenees and Aran (IDAPA) and Eisharc Jaquet, CEO of Arantec, the company that has developed the application. 

The pilot project Digital Area of Aran: Hiking, culture and technology has a powerful impact on reducing the digital divide in rural areas, such as the Aran Valley, through several ways: accessibility to advanced technologies, promotion of digital inclusion, education and awareness and promotion of the local economy and improvement of public services

The Guarda+ pilot project is part of the Digital Area of Aran, promoted by local actors such as the General Council of Aran, the Institute for the Development and Promotion of the High Pyrenees and Aran (IDAPA), the Provincial Council of Lleida, the Chamber of Commerce of Lleida and the technological partner of the Arantec project.  

This initiative is part of the Digital Areas project, promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Mobile World Capital Barcelona and the i2CAT Foundation, which aims to promote the ecosystem and strategies for the application of Advanced Digital Technologies (ADT) throughout the territory. The project is based on a methodology based on collaboration between actors and communities of the quadruple helix (citizens, business, public administration and research centres or universities) to generate new projects and investment in research and development throughout Catalonia. 

Information and landscapes at the click of a button 

Through Guarda+, anyone with an electronic device connected to the Internet can make interactive visits to points of cultural interest in the Val d’Aran, with information about the history and curiosities of the area. The platform also facilitates access to real-time weather information that improves safety during mountain activities, through the connection with sensors strategically placed in the territory. 

Using augmented and virtual reality, users can explore mountain routes, monuments and historical scenarios in an interactive and enriching way. The immersive experiences available include the Mirador Guardader de Beret, hiking and cycling routes, the Witch’s Path of Tredòs, the Leon Castle, the Val d’Aran Museum and several churches. 

The entire project has been developed following the principles of inclusive design, ensuring that the solution is accessible and easy for everyone, regardless of their familiarity with the technology. This approach reinforces the project’s goal of being an inclusive and open tool for hiking and culture. 

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