- Powered by Mobile World Capital Barcelona and CIONET, is a portal of job opportunities for people and families with technological and digital skills in leading companies in Europe
- The CIO and director of Intelligent Connectivity of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Eduard Martin and the corporate general director of CIONET, Bruno Méndez, will collect the distinction at the XIV Noite da Enxeñaría in Informatica de Galicia gala, that will be held on July 1st in Santiago

June 14th, 2022
The Colexio Profesional de Enxeñaría en Informática de Galicia (CPEIG) awards the e-Inclusion Award of the XIV Noite da Enxeñaría en Informática de Galicia to the platform “IT4Ukrainians.com” to help Ukrainian refugees, founded by Mobile World Capital Barcelona and CIONET Iberoamérica with the collaboration of Widerpool and RDT Ingenieros, in addition to multiple affiliated and collective organizations from the digital and Information Technology (IT) field such as the Consejo de Colegios de Ingeniería Informática de España (CCII).
“IT4Ukrainians.com” is a non-profit project aimed at providing future opportunities for Ukrainian refugees and their families who have technological and digital skills and knowledge. It is a pioneering initiative to help these people, forced to leave their country, to find permanent, quality employment of an indefinite nature, while their stay in other countries is extended, by connecting their digital talent with the demand for these skills and competencies by leading and innovative companies in the sector across Europe. Mobile World Capital Barcelona’s CIO and Director of Intelligent Connectivity, Eduard Martín, who will collect the CPEIG award at the A Noite gala, explains that the initiative contributes to improving their living conditions during the conflict.
The goal of “IT4Ukranians.com” is based on a fact that many NGOs have been insisting on lately: Professional realization makes the integration process easier and helps people to build a better future for themselves and their families. The platform, available both in English and Ukrainian, is provided for interested people to get an opportunity in the digital sector, giving support in five areas:
- Advice on degrees and professional certifications in the field of digital jobs.
- Identification of each person’s technical skills and abilities.
- Contact, intermediation and filtering of companies that can offer guarantees of recruitment and professional development and that, among their needs, are those of covering positions with digital profiles, computer or engineering.
- Mentoring, advice, if necessary, for their full professional integration during this period of their lives and legal protection throughout the process guaranteeing fully legal models of employment.
- Support for their linguistic integration.
The platform allows those who are interested to submit their contact details, a brief description of their skills and technical knowledge and training, as well as their LinkedIn profile. From here, filtering is made that guarantees the validity of the proposed job offer and the potential fit of that person in the position.
“More than 250 companies have taken an interest in the initiative and many of them have the necessary conditions to adapt the skills offered to the job. The work of CIONET and the MWCapital with this initiative is to give consistency and rigor both labor and legal to the whole process avoiding any kind of inappropriate use of the conditions of fragility and helplessness by many of the refugees and their families” says Bruno Méndez, general director of CIONET. “Therefore, we work meticulously and conscientiously to avoid organizations that only have a passing and marketing interest as “pseudo-welfare work” and the focus is on adapting the profile of the more than 150 digital engineers and professionals who have passed the first screening to the positions offered. To this end, we work with one of the founders of the project and a crucial element in the whole process, such as RDT Ingenieros, a company with a long and solid track record in guaranteeing formal, legal and sustainable recruitment processes,” says Méndez.
A NOITE, the most important IT gala in Galicia, is held on July 1 at the Hotel OCA Puerta del Camino de Santiago. The event is the meeting point between the collegiate members of the CPEIG and a large number of companies and ICT professionals in Galicia, which has an outstanding participation of business, institutional and political positions and is a benchmark for the sector. The A Noite awards correspond in this edition to twelve categories where the collegiate body recognizes the initiatives or outstanding people in the field of computer engineering.
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