Jobs in Catalonia’s international technology hubs grow by 22% 

Jobs in Catalonia’s international technology hubs grow by 22% 

  • The technology centres located in Catalonia generate 34,869 jobs and an economic impact of 2,879 million euros per year, according to the Tech Hubs Overview report promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona. 
  • The country is home to 160 international hubs, which highlight the attraction of talent as a key factor for their implementation. 
  • Companies from the United States continue to lead the establishment of international technology hubs in Catalonia, with 24%, although in the last five years, European companies have gained weight. 

The 160 international technology hubs established in Catalonia created 6,191 jobs in 2024 and currently employ a total of 34,869 people, 22% more than the previous year, according to the third Tech Hubs Overview report, promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital), with the collaboration of ACCIÓ – the agency for business competitiveness of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the Directorate of International Economic Promotion of Barcelona City Council, which was presented today. 

The report points out that the trend in job creation will continue to be positive in the coming years and estimates that the number of employees employed by technology hubs will increase to 42,752 in 2026.  

As a novelty, this edition of the Tech Hubs Overview incorporates a more detailed analysis of the workforce, as well as the evolution of the centres since they were created. Overall, the results indicate that the ecosystem is in a consolidation phase as an epicentre of innovation and development, with sustained growth and a relevant economic impact for the territory.  

In this regard, the report highlights that in 2024, 13 new international hubs were inaugurated in Catalonia, for a total of 160, generating an economic impact of 2,879 million euros. These 13 new projects led to the creation of 263 qualified jobs and an aggregate economic impact of almost 22 million euros. 88% of the companies that have established the 160 international technology centres present in Catalonia have had the support of ACCIÓ. 

The presentation of the results of the report was attended by the Secretary of Digital Policies of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Maria Galindo; the fourth deputy mayor of the Department of Economy, Finance, Economic Promotion and Tourism of the Barcelona City Council, Jordi Valls; the CEO of MWCapital, Francesc Fajula, and the corporate director of development and director of the Digital Talent program of MWCapital, Jordi Arrufí

Maria Galindo has highlighted “the support of the Government through ACCIÓ for the establishment of the vast majority of these ‘tech hubs’ in Catalonia”. An accompaniment that, according to the Secretary of Digital Policies, shows “the strategic commitment of the Generalitat to attract technological projects with high added value that boost the Catalan economy and generate a positive impact on the environment”. 

For his part, Jordi Valls celebrated the “good news that these reports on technology hubs confirm year after year, with results that show the consolidation of the strategic commitment that Barcelona is making to become a city of reference in scientific and technological research and development, and with a special concentration of these hubs in Barcelona and its technology district, the 22@”. For Valls, “the value of this commitment is also the generation of high-value professional opportunities that allow local talent to be retained”. 

In his speech, the CEO of MWCapital remarked that “technology hubs have become a strategic element for digital transformation, promoting innovation, attracting talent and creating qualified jobs. Its consolidation demonstrates Catalonia’s ability to attract investment and to generate an environment capable of developing technological solutions with global impact”. 

Greater European weight and talent as a key factor in implementation 

The MWCapital report highlights that new foreign investments come from countries such as Germany, the United States, China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Japan. Although the United States continues to lead the establishment of international technology hubs in Catalonia – with 24% of the total – Europe has gained weight in the last five years and, currently, 62% of the hubs installed come from a country on the continent.  

Among the key factors for the installation of these hubs in Catalonia are the ability to attract highly qualified talent, the previous presence of the parent company, and the quality of life.  

On the other hand, the report highlights that the profiles most requested by technology centres are those of software engineers, consultants, cybersecurity analysts, SAP, data analysts, and video game developers. 

Regarding the dominant technologies in the hubs’ service catalogue, the growing presence of deep tech continues, with generative artificial intelligence at the forefront, as well as blockchain and robotics.  

In terms of employment generated by sector, during 2024 health and the development of technological products were the ones that grew the most in number of new workers. Together, these two areas account for 43% of the jobs created in 2024, a figure that is equivalent to almost 2,700 people.  

Environmentally conscious and global reach centres 

Almost 70% of the centres located in Catalonia carry out both executive and decision-making functions in strategic aspects, and 71% provide services around the world and become reference centres for the company to which they belong.  

On the other hand, 80% of technology hubs in Catalonia have implemented social and environmental responsibility initiatives, reflecting a growing trend towards sustainable business models committed to local communities. 


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