Leading companies and entities of the technological and digital sector join forces to help Ukrainian refugees

Leading companies and entities of the technological and digital sector join forces to help Ukrainian refugees

  • Organizations and companies such as Mobile World Capital Barcelona, CIONET Iberoamerica, Widerpool and RDT Ingenieros are launching the “IT4Ukrainians.com” platform to offer future opportunities to Ukrainian war refugees.
  • The solidary initiative will connect the profiles of professionals and their families to leading companies in the technology and digital sector to provide them access to job opportunities while their stay in other countries is extended.

Organizations and companies such as Mobile World Capital Barcelona, CIONET Iberoamerica, Widerpool and RDT Ingenieros, in addition to multiple partner organizations and groups in the digital and IT fields, have just launched the IT4Ukranians.com platform, a project aimed to offer future opportunities to Ukrainian refugees and their families who have skills and knowledge in the technological and digital areas. It is a pioneering initiative to contribute to help people and their families who have been forced to leave their country and aims to connect digital talent with the demand for these skills and competencies across Europe.

“IT4Ukrainians.com” is a non-profit and non-commercial project that aims to provide Ukrainian refugees and their families with the opportunity to find a stable job, either on a temporary or long-term basis, for those who wish to do so. The aim of this program is to provide, to those who need it, safe spaces for them to develop their talent in Europe’s most innovative companies for as long as the unfortunate situation of not being able to resume their previous lives and jobs is prolonged. The platform aims to capture digital and technological talent and make it available to companies that recurrently demand technological and digital skills.

IT4Ukranians.com’s objective is based on a fact that many NGOs have insisted on in recent times: Professional fulfillment facilitates the integration process and contributes to helping people build a better future for themselves and their families.

“IT4Ukrainians.com”, a platform of opportunities and support for Ukrainian refugees and their families

The purpose of this platform is to facilitate the employability of Ukrainians who have had to take refuge in another European country and thus improving their living conditions and those of their families for the duration of the conflict.The founders of the project, Mobile World Capital Barcelona and CIONET Iberoamerica, as well as the rest of the promoters and organizations involved in the project, have found that many of the people who have had to leave Ukraine own the experience and knowledge to carry out activities in the digital society. A professional profile that could fit into the labor market of their host countries if they get the right help.

To this end, support in five areas will be offered to all those interested in obtaining an opportunity in the digital sector:

  • Advice on professional qualifications and certifications in the field of digital jobs.
  • Identification of each person’s capabilities.
  • Contact with companies seeking professionals with profiles similar to theirs.
  • Mentoring and counseling, if necessary, for their full professional integration during this period of their lives.
  • Support for their linguistic integration.

The platform, available in English and Ukrainian, through a simple operation will allow all Ukrainian refugees or their families or relatives to send their contact details, a brief description of their skills and technical knowledge and training, as well as their LinkedIn profile for those who have it public. Based on this initial filtering, a match between their skills and knowledge and professional opportunities will be carried out. According to the promoters of this initiative, the filtering seeks to speed up the assignment process, but nonetheless, any type of application received will be treated with the highest priority and speed. In the event of applications that do not fit with technical and/or digital skills and that cannot be channeled quickly through the platform, they will be brought to the attention of other private and public entities as well as other NGOs that are working to support refugees so that together, they can look for alternatives that make professional development opportunities for refugees viable. 

The founders of this project are Mobile World Capital Barcelona and CIONET Iberoamerica, the largest community of Digital Leaders in Europe and America, some prominent members of the YPO community in Spain who will individually seek to provide help and support for the success of this initiative, as well as several engineering schools that will contribute their institutional and educational support. These include the Council of Informatics Engineering Colleges of Spain, the Council of Technical Engineering Colleges of Spain, the Official College of Informatic Engineering of Catalonia, the Official College of Technical Engineering in Informatics of Catalonia and FIB Alumni.

To implement this project, the participation of all companies that are actively demanding professional profiles in the digital and technological field is essential, both large corporations as well as medium and small European companies that wish to contribute to the personal and professional development of refugees and strengthen themselves with their talent. Therefore, “IT4Ukrainians.com” is conceived as a wide-ranging, inclusive and transversal project, open and aimed at all those companies and institutions that wish to collaborate in the initiative.

The “IT4Ukrainians.com” initiative connects with the wave of solidarity that is sweeping across the continent, and adds to and complements all the projects that have already been launched with the aim of helping refugees during these times of crisis. 

About Mobile World Capital Barcelona

Mobile World Capital Barcelona is an initiative that drives the digital development of society and contributes to improving people’s lives globally. With public and private support, MWCapital focuses its activity in four areas: accelerating innovation through digital entrepreneurship; transforming industry through digital technology; growing digital talent among new generations and professionals; and reflecting on the impact of technology in our society. Together, our programs are positively transforming the economy, education and society. MWCapital hosts MWC Barcelona and founded 4 Years From Now [4YFN], the business platform for the startup community present at all MWC events worldwide.

About CIONET and CIONET Iberoamérica

Founded in 2005, it is the largest community of digital leaders in Europe and America formed by CIO, CDO, CTO, CISO, CINO, COO, CXO and CTOs of large companies that come together to collaborate and enrich each other by building ecosystems of debate, relationship, learning, innovation and knowledge.


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