Lleida launches ‘Banco Parking 5G’ for the first time, a street furniture project that incorporates 5G connectivity and parking spaces for scooters

Lleida launches ‘Banco Parking 5G’ for the first time, a street furniture project that incorporates 5G connectivity and parking spaces for scooters

  • ‘Banco Parking 5G’ is the second project developed within the framework of the LAB 5G, an initiative within the 5G Ponent area, located in the Cambra de Comerç de Lleida.
  • The new proposal consists of a bench that will be installed for a month in the Rambla de Aragó in Lleida, in front of the rectorate of the UdL.

Lleida will host ‘5G Parking Bank’ from Thursday morning, a pilot project that will test in the city a new model of street furniture that incorporates 5G connectivity and parking spaces for scooters. The initiative is promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona, the Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and Territory of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the i2CAT Foundation and was supported as well by the Cambra de Comerç de Lleida, the Diputació de Lleida, the Paeria, Telefónica and PIRA Technology. PIRA Technology is the company that designed the ‘Banco Parking 5G’ and will carry out this test and is installed in the business incubator of the European Business and Innovation Center (CEEILleida) which depends on the Diputació de Lleida.

‘Banco Parking 5G’ offers new functionalities to the traditional seat since it has, for example, space for the parking of four scooters in the back. Likewise, this project is sustainable by integrating a high quality connectivity solution (wifi hotspot) thanks to a 5G router powered by solar panels. The free internet connection service can be programmed to offer information of interest in stores and establishments in the area, or, as in this case, with the website of the University of Lleida. In addition, the sides can be ‘vinylated’ with advertising or various indications. The bench will be installed on the Rambla de Aragó in Lleida, in front of the rectorate of the UdL, for a month, from 22 of March to 22 of April.

5G Ponent Area

The 5G Areas project is a territorial development project within the framework of the 5G Strategy of Catalonia promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya through the Department of the Vice-Presidency and Digital Policies and Territory. The aim is to boost the Catalan 5G ecosystem and turn Catalonia into an international reference around this technology. The 5G Ponent area has the support and collaboration of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, the i2CAT Foundation, which coordinates the laboratories in Catalonia, Cambra de Comerç de Lleida, Diputació de Lleida, la Paeria and Telefónica.

PIRA Technology

PIRA Technology is an expert company specializing in telecommunications systems, home automation, alarms without fees, video surveillance, mobile coverage and 5G solutions. Xacom, a leading firm in the telecommunications market, selected it as an Authorized Premium Distributor which allows it to be installed in coverage repeaters within Catalonia and Aragón approved by the European Union. 

It is also a distributor of Qvadis One, an innovative door entry system that alerts the cell phone. This innovative system installed by PIRA Technology is a great advantage, especially for people with reduced mobility and other needs, since they can open the door of the building and, if necessary, the door of the private house, without moving from the place where they are.

About 5G Barcelona

5G Barcelona is a public-private initiative that works to position Barcelona and Catalonia as an innovative and open environment for the validation and adoption of 5G technologies and applications in a real-life environment.

The initiative will create synergies within the 5G ecosystem and provide an experimental infrastructure for testing, prototyping and implementing new digital solutions. 5G Barcelona aims to stimulate and consolidate existing innovation in Barcelona and Catalonia, help attract foreign investment, boost new technology companies and generate a complete industry around 5G technology.

The initiative is driven by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona City Council, Mobile World Capital Barcelona, i2CAT Foundation, CTTC, Atos and UPC.


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