Mobile Week Barcelona connects technology and families at Family Day

Mobile Week Barcelona connects technology and families at Family Day

  • The day will be fully dedicated to children and families, who will be able to learn about the uses, benefits, and risks of technology in a fun and participative way.
  • Musicians, illustrators, video producers, and organisations will be the nexus of a day with live music and a great gastronomic offer.

Barcelona, 1st of April 2022.- Mobile Week Barcelona, an initiative of Mobile World Capital together with the City Council, is promoting a new edition of Family Day on Sunday 3 April from 11am to 8pm at the Antigua Fábrica Estrella Damm. The day includes a wide range of workshops for children between the ages of three and twelve, as well as free conferences open to all citizens. The aim of Family Day is to bring technology closer to the family and experience the impact of technology and the challenges of digitalisation from a more playful perspective. The activities and workshops will be taught by musicians, illustrators and video producers, as well as companies and organisations such as: TB Kids, Domestic Data Streamers, UNICEF, AHA!STEAM or Cosí Cosà. Family Day counts with the support of Fundación Vodafone, CaixaBank and Damm.

In the current context, in the wake of Covid-19, children have been immersed in digital environments even more rapidly and have experienced intensive use of technology. While the pandemic has accelerated digitalisation, new ways of communicating with their families, carrying out educational projects, and acquiring a playful role, it has also led to new digital divides that can reach the youngest members of the household. These activities offer a fun, encouraging, but also educational perspective in a close environment with family members.

Participative activities for young and old alike

Nine hours of outstanding proposals like the workshops run by the Fundación Vodafone that explore the world of 3D holograms from a tablet or smartphone; the activity proposed by A.H.A! STEAM to create a world out of LEGO and boost the creativity of the little ones; or the workshop to let our imagination fly by creating a mini-animation film with the stop-motion technique, photo-by-photo, by AHA!STEAM.

For parents, the dialogue ‘Impact of technology within teenagers: relationships, risks and opportunities’ between Eduard Martin, director of the Intelligent Connectivity area of Mobile World Capital Barcelona; Fernando Suárez, president of the General Council of Professional Associations of Computer Engineering and the Professional Association of Computer Engineering of Galicia and Nacho Guadix, Head of Education and Digital Rights of Children at UNICEF Spain, who will share the keys to understand how technology has an impact on teenagers.

Meanwhile, Youtubers Patricia Heredia and Valeria Corrales, also known as ValPat, will organise the conference ‘Robotics and programming for everyone’, which aims to encourage STEAM vocations among girls and teenagers; in the same direction, Domestic Data Streamers also wants to bring the values of entrepreneurship to children and young people by combining the ancient power of narrative with data to create participatory projects through the talk ‘Our intimate relationship with data’.

In addition, during the day there will be activities focused on music and the possibilities that technology offers in the world of entertainment. With renowned artists, composers, and DJs such as Christian Rey, Tupinamba, Dive Dibosso, les Siamiss djs, o Javier López, also known as THOMPSON.


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