Mobile World Capital Barcelona strengthens ties with the Union for the Mediterranean at MWC Barcelona 2021

Mobile World Capital Barcelona strengthens ties with the Union for the Mediterranean at MWC Barcelona 2021

  • Promoting an inclusive digital transformation, reducing digital gaps and enhancing the digital skills of citizens will be the focus of work

Mobile World Capital Barcelona today signed a cooperation agreement with the Union for the Mediterranean. Both institutions are committed to working together in areas of common interest: digital transformation, reducing digital gaps and promoting digital skills.

The alliance will make it possible to connect and establish channels of collaboration between experts, carry out joint projects such as seminars and workshops or promote the exchange of good practices, among others. In addition, both initiatives will hold regular consultations on important issues to ensure the best coordination of activities with a view to creating synergies and maximizing mutual support.

The event was attended by the Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean, Nasser Kamel; and the CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​Carlos Grau.


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