MWCapital and B Lab Spain join forces to promote a sustainable digital transformation 

MWCapital and B Lab Spain join forces to promote a sustainable digital transformation 

  • Both entities join forces to promote sustainability in the technology sector, with the common goal of promoting digitalization that has a positive economic, social and environmental impact 
  • The joint action plan includes the preparation of a study on the state of sustainability in the digital sector in Spain, the Change Makers programme, which seeks to promote corporate sustainability management throughout the foundation’s community, and the MWCapital Awards. 

The Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation (MWCapital) and B Lab Spain Foundation, promoter of the international B Corp movement in Spain, have signed a strategic alliance to encourage the country’s technology sector to incorporate sustainability −social, economic and environmental− as the basis of its business strategy. This alliance aims to act as a lever for change in the sector and, in this way, contribute to guiding digitalisation in Spain towards creating a positive impact on people and the planet. 

The agreement arises from the imperative need to integrate sustainability in the technology sector, a crucial industry for socio-economic development in which impact management is still a pending issue. In fact, according to AMETIC, only 4 out of 10 technology companies in Spain measure their social and environmental impact. This collaboration also consolidates the moment of consolidation and expansion of the B Corp movement towards new sectors and economic territories such as digital, positioning itself as a benchmark for transforming the financial and business model towards a fairer, more inclusive and regenerative one.  

Technological humanism and sustainability: the sum of two leading institutions 

With this agreement and an action plan, both organisations seek to become benchmarks and promoters of sustainable digital transformation, while positioning the city of Barcelona as a benchmark for technological humanism.  

This alliance reinforces MWCapital’s corporate strategy which, in its 2023-2027 plan, established sustainability as a cross-cutting axis. A vision that puts technology, people and the planet at the centre. “We join forces to strengthen the capabilities of the digital ecosystem, allowing the values of sustainability to permeate it from the ground up and allow for a sectoral transformation with impact,” says the CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Francesc Fajula.  

For her part, the executive director of the B Corp movement and B Lab Spain, Belén Viloria, stresses the transformative capacity of the B Corp movement: “We mobilise companies, public and academic institutions, business leaders and society in general to transform the economic model, collectively facing the great challenges of humanity, through a new business model that puts people and the planet at the centre”.  and that “thanks to alliances like this, between two references, the capacity for transformation of the economic model is exponential”. 

Currently, the technology sector accounts for 9% of the B Corp movement globally, with 540 companies that have managed to exceed B Lab’s rigorous standards. These companies generate an aggregate turnover of almost 10,000 million euros and offer quality employment to more than 52,400 people. 

Actions for a responsible digital ecosystem 

Over the next few years, both entities will jointly develop different initiatives, projects, guides and publications that seek to promote the transition of the digital sector towards the economy of social impact, environmental regeneration and the adoption of transparent, responsible and inclusive governance models. This action plan has been devised within the framework of MWCapital’s sustainability strategy and to promote the high standards of impact promoted by B Lab and the B Corp movement in the digital sector.  

Within the time frame of this alliance, MWCapital and B Lab will carry out an extensive joint study on the state of sustainability of the digital sector in Spain. This analysis becomes especially relevant in the current context, where the estimated direct impact of Spain’s digital economy on GDP in 2023 is 12.3%. It is therefore essential to assess how this influential sector can continue its growth sustainably, ensuring its positive contribution to the economy and social welfare. 

Another key initiative is the Change Makers programme. Through this project, the aim is to promote corporate sustainability management throughout the MWCapital community. To this end, the B Impact Assessment will be used, the free online tool of the B Corp movement that, used by almost 300,000 companies around the world, allows the social and environmental performance of any organization to be measured, managed and improved. 

In addition, another of the actions within the framework of the alliance will be the launch of the MWCapital Awards, in which B Lab Spain will participate as an advisor and as part of the jury. These awards will be the first of their kind and will recognize the best companies and technology projects committed to an inclusive, equitable and responsible digital transformation. 

The agreement will also involve reciprocal participation in activities organized by each entity. Thus, B Lab Spain and the B Corp movement will be present at MWC Barcelona and other events organized by MWCapital. In turn, MWCapital will be part of the activities of the B Corp movement at the state level, such as B GOOD WEEK, the benchmark event in sustainable business transformation in our country.  


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