José Ignacio Goirigolzarri joins the board of trustees of Mobile World Capital Barcelona in representation of CaixaBank
José Ignacio Goirigolzarri joins the board of trustees of Mobile World Capital Barcelona in representation of CaixaBank
22 July, 2021 Barcelona, 22 July 2021-. The Chairman of CaixaBank, José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, joined the board of trustees of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, the highest governing body of the organisation, in representation of the bank. Once on the board, Goirigolzarri met… Read More
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The Smart Networks project in isolated environments, one of the first Private 5G SA networks with advanced slicing pilots in Spain
The Smart Networks project in isolated environments, one of the first Private 5G SA networks with advanced slicing pilots in Spain
21 July, 2021 Barcelona, ​​July 21, 2021.- The Smart Networks project in isolated environments was born to create new pilot projects that help to develop new services in places of difficult accessibility thanks to the implementation of a private stand-alone 5G network powered… Read More
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Lleida presents the Ponent 5G Area 5G LAB located in Lleida Chamber of Commerce
Lleida presents the Ponent 5G Area 5G LAB located in Lleida Chamber of Commerce
20 July, 2021 Lleida, 20 July 2021-. Lleida Chamber of Commerce played host this Monday to the presentation of the Ponent 5G Area 5G LAB, a new space in the city centre where local businesses are provided with this coverage… Read More
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The digital sector in Catalonia is making its niche as a driving force for job creation, with a 12.8% increase in professionals in the market
The digital sector in Catalonia is making its niche as a driving force for job creation, with a 12.8% increase in professionals in the market
15 July, 2021 Barcelona, 15 July 2021.- Catalonia is strengthening its position as a pool of technological talent in terms of number of jobs and of salary and qualified students. This is just one of the conclusions reached by the… Read More
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Mobile World Capital Barcelona strengthens ties with the Union for the Mediterranean at MWC Barcelona 2021
Mobile World Capital Barcelona strengthens ties with the Union for the Mediterranean at MWC Barcelona 2021
1 July, 2021 Mobile World Capital Barcelona today signed a cooperation agreement with the Union for the Mediterranean. Both institutions are committed to working together in areas of common interest: digital transformation, reducing digital gaps and promoting digital skills. The alliance will make… Read More
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High-level leaders and thinkers debate ethics and technological humanism for the first time at MWC Barcelona 2021
High-level leaders and thinkers debate ethics and technological humanism for the first time at MWC Barcelona 2021
30 June, 2021 Digital Future Society, promoted by the Second Vice-Presidency -Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation- of the Government of Spain and Mobile World Capital Barcelona, has held today at MWC Barcelona 2021 a meeting between… Read More
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Zyrcular Foods and The Collider join forces to foster innovation in the foodtech sector
Zyrcular Foods and The Collider join forces to foster innovation in the foodtech sector
21 June, 2021 Barcelona, 21 June, 2021.- The deep tech innovation programme The Collider (Mobile World Capital Barcelona) and Zyrcular Foods, a company specialising in the production, development and distribution of food based on alternative proteins,… Read More
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Girona joins the ‘5G Area’ project to boost the competitiveness of its key sectors via 5G
Girona joins the ‘5G Area’ project to boost the competitiveness of its key sectors via 5G
18 June, 2021 Barcelona, 18 June 2021-. A new extension to the 5G Area project was presented in Girona this morning. This project is promoted by the Regional Government of Catalonia, through the Ministry of the Vice Presidency and for Digital Policy… Read More
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For a second year, Barcelona Digital Talent is to give out over 700 grants to promote digital training
For a second year, Barcelona Digital Talent is to give out over 700 grants to promote digital training
17 June, 2021 Barcelona, 17 June 2021.- A campaign is launched today to give 766 grants to attend digital training courses. The initiative has been implemented by Barcelona Digital Talent, a public-private alliance promoted by Barcelona, the Cercle… Read More
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Boost Board and Squishy, winners of “Hack the Hospital – 5G Transatlantic Lab 2021”
Boost Board and Squishy, winners of “Hack the Hospital – 5G Transatlantic Lab 2021”
25 May, 2021 Barcelona, 25th of May of 2021.- Projects Boost Board and Squishy are the winners of “Hack the Hospital – 5G Transatlantic Lab 2.021”, the first hackathon organized between Barcelona and Boston that took place last… Read More
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Digital Future Society seeks technological solutions to fight disinformation
Digital Future Society seeks technological solutions to fight disinformation
25 May, 2021 Barcelona, ​​May 25, 2021. Digital Future Society opens a new international call for innovative challenges, Tech against Disinformation, to identify and test innovative technological solutions that help optimize and automate the content verification or… Read More
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Barcelona hosts an international hackathon on smart mobility in Barcelona
Barcelona hosts an international hackathon on smart mobility in Barcelona
21 May, 2021 Barcelona, 21 May of 2021.- “5G Smart Railway Hackathon” begins with the aim of finding innovative ideas that take advantage of the services offered by 5G technology to improve rail transport. The international hackathon, promoted by Mobile… Read More
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