The Collider, present at 4YFN Startup Corner with 10 startups

The Collider, present at 4YFN Startup Corner with 10 startups

  • The technology transfer program of the Mobile World Capital Barcelona has been already a benchmark in the creation of spin-offs in Spain.
  • The Collider selects research projects and transforms them into commercial solutions, together with corporations and entrepreneurs, through an annual incubation process. The program achieves the transfer of knowledge to the market and connects the spin-offs created by investors.
  • During the four-year life of The Collider, the Mobile World Capital program, created 15 startups, 12 of which remain active. These employ 90 people between direct and indirect personnel in the field of science and, to date, their market valuation is 17 million euro, after receiving an initial direct investment of 600,000 euros. 

Collider startups once again take part in 4YFN’s Startups Corner, the Mobile World Congress space dedicated exclusively to startups, investors and large companies.

Thus, visitors to the Mobile World Congress who come to Hall 6 will be able to learn about some of the disruptive projects of The Collider, such as AllRead, Deep Detection, SAALG, The Predictive Company, Exheus, Psychotherapy VR, Rheo DX, Ephion Health, Everywoah, Filmarket Hub.

4.9 million euros and 30 new direct jobs in 2021

The Collider, Mobile World Capital Barcelona’s technology transfer program, is a benchmark in the creation of spin-offs in Spain. The program was created four years ago with the mission of selecting research projects and transforming them into commercial solutions together with corporations and entrepreneurs, through an annual incubation process. Thus, the program achieves the transfer of knowledge to the market and connects the spin-offs created by investors.

During these four years, the program has created 15 startups, of which 12 are still active and 11 have already been launched in the market. These employ 90 people between direct and indirect personnel in the field of science and, as of today, their market valuation is 17 million euros, having obtained an initial direct investment of 600,000 euros.

A new start-up -Ephion Health about mobility in various diseases and physical conditions creating about 30 new direct jobs and funding 4.9 million euros. A total of 15 startups have been established to date, these are the main milestones that marked the year 2021 of the Collider.

The program, which is directed by Óscar Sala, kicked off The Collider 2022 edition in January. The launch of the Call for Technologies 2022, which will lead to the selection of the 15 projects that will be incubated within the industry during the year.

Technological solutions that contribute to improve health, real-time data analysis software, SaaS solutions for the logistics sector and Augmented Reality campaigns, among others.

Of the 15 startups created so far, 10 will be presented at 4YFN in the startup corner. These startups cover different needs from diverse sectors: health industry, entertainment, logistics and energy.  They are:

  • AllRead: Spanish spin-off of the Smart Logistics ecosystem, which develops state-of-the-art machine vision software for the detection, identification and tracking of asset operations. Through a plug and play, accurate and cost-effective solution that can be installed on any camera, AllRead is democratizing automatic identification and data collection tools for logistics and transportation companies. 
  • Deep Detection: Photon counting solution for industrial inspection. Detects foreign bodies, defects, and flaws with higher resolution. Lower transmitted energy than possible in today’s manufacturing. Allows identification of currently undetectable small parts, such as plastics.  It can differentiate materials by measuring the composition of raw materials and products.
  • SAALG: Software and engineering startup specializing in real-time monitoring and data analysis.  Providing the construction industry with a tool that enables data-driven decision making by analyzing large volumes and in real time, to minimize risk, save time to maximize profits of your construction project. Its vision is to contribute to one day have a more sustainable, efficient and safe construction industry.
  • The Predictive Company: SaaS solution for energy optimization and predictive maintenance based on Artificial Intelligence. Can be implemented in non-residential buildings to reduce costs and CO2 emissions up to 30%. Learns the energy profiles of the infrastructure to forecast its real energy demand. 
  • Exheus: Health intelligence report to improve health and lead a healthy lifestyle. RNA levels reveal how the 22,000 genes in the genome are activated and turned on/off. This information obtained from RNA levels is the basis for the personalized lifestyle recommendations provided in the report.
  • Psicoterapia VR: Diagnostic and treatment solution for neurocognitive disorders (FASD, BD, ADHD and autism) through a comprehensive platform for psychotherapists to address the needs of patients and families. The technology, “Mental XR” is for any age and condition; it can be used at home. It enables 19% of the population that will suffer from these disorders to change their lives. 
  • RheoDx: Portable medical device intended for diagnosis and monitoring diseases related to blood cell status by blood drop. Point-of-care and home use. Its technology is based on fluid viscosity analysis, and pattern recognition AI models to infer hematological diagnose. 
  • Ephion Health: A system to monitor and evaluate patient mobility based on digital technologies. Hardware-agnostic digital platform to integrate health data from multiple portable devices. It will be used in clinical care for patient monitoring, in clinical trials as a tool for the adoption of digital endpoints, and in healthcare prevention for remote patient monitoring. 
  • Everywoah: Augmented Reality campaigns for brands that surprise. We boost content marketing, stimulate UGC and attract new audiences for publishers on Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, Snapchat, TikTok and for next generation devices and surfaces. 
  • FilmarketHub: A SaaS-enabled marketplace for film and television companies that provides production-ready scripts using an AI-based prediction system to create effective investment opportunities.

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