Zyrcular Foods and The Collider join forces to foster innovation in the foodtech sector

Zyrcular Foods and The Collider join forces to foster innovation in the foodtech sector

  • The innovation programme of Mobile World Capital Barcelona places strong emphasis on the food tech sector and innovation in the agrifood industry
  • By working together, Zyrcular Foods will be able to draw on the know-how and expertise of The Collider so it can continue to be a pioneering company in food innovation

Barcelona, 21 June, 2021.- The deep tech innovation programme The Collider (Mobile World Capital Barcelona) and Zyrcular Foods, a company specialising in the production, development and distribution of food based on alternative proteins, will work to promote innovation in the food sector and respond to the future challenges that the industry must face. Through this collaboration, Zyrcular Foods becomes the first food and alternative proteins company to join The Collider, the innovation programme of Mobile World Capital Barcelona.

Being part of The Collider is in the DNA of Zyrcular Foods since one of its business areas is incubating startups and scaling their growth at industrial level as collaborative innovation. In this respect, the company, with its brands Zyrcular Labs and Zyrcular Plant, functions as a pilot test platform for startup incubator projects and industrial scalability.

The innovation programme brings know-how, international academic expertise and the business sector together to provide joint solutions to the challenges facing the industry. Zyrcular Foods also aims to lead innovation and reflection in the protein sector in Spain and southern Europe together with the food tech industry, the university sector and research centres.

The Collider has identified the food sector as one of the most important industries for the Spanish economy and society and also as one of the sectors with the most challenges ahead and innovation.

Zyrcular Foods is a runway for international startup companies that want to scale up their operations at industrial level in southern Europe”, says Santi Aliaga, CEO of Zyrcular Foods. Aliaga also notes that the corporate structure of Zyrcular Foods enables products to be developed in terms of R&D&I, produced in a factory close to Barcelona and then sold.

“Being creative and innovative is part of our DNA and joining forces with The Collider is a logical step towards responding to the challenges that lie ahead through deep tech innovation”, he adds.

Oscar Sala, director of The Collider, for his part notes that “it’s really satisfying to see The Collider continue to grow and team up with new allies, entering into a key sector such as that of food tech. The agrifood sector’s competitiveness is based on innovation and on adopting new working dynamics associated with technology transfer and collaboration between business and science”.

Sala also adds that the work that we will undertake together with Zyrcular Foods will allow us to tackle the future of the agrifood sector from a global perspective, since we will be able to contribute our working dynamics to the sector’s entire value chain”.

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