Be part of the worldwide network of young fact-checkers!

The Teen Fact-Checking Network (TFCN) is a prestigious, one-of-a-kind fellowship program that brings together teens from around the world dedicated to fact-checking. MediaWise has successfully run the program with high school students in the United States for over 4 years. The TFCN Fellowship is active in the U.S., Germany, India, Brazil and Spain, where dozens of young people verify internet hoaxes and debunk them via TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. 

After an alliance between Mediawise, Verificat, and MWCapital, we have created an editorial office of the Teen Fact-Checking Network in Spain

 In the first round of the call, we selected 10 young people with a critical spirit committed to the fight against disinformation. This is a 4-month scholarship with economic compensation in which you will be part of an online newsroom with other young people from Spain and journalists from Verificat, the first fact-checking organization in Catalonia. 

This newsroom investigates false or misleading content on social networks and verifies and produces videos for TikTok and Instagram to disseminate truthful and quality information.

On February 5, 2024, we are launching the second round of the call to select 10 more young people who want to be part of this online newsroom, who have a critical spirit, and who want to fight against disinformation. 
