Lleida presents the Ponent 5G Area 5G LAB located in Lleida Chamber of Commerce

Lleida presents the Ponent 5G Area 5G LAB located in Lleida Chamber of Commerce

Lleida, 20 July 2021-. Lleida Chamber of Commerce played host this Monday to the presentation of the Ponent 5G Area 5G LAB, a new space in the city centre where local businesses are provided with this coverage connectivity and can test their products and services using this new technology before they launch them in the market.

The presentation of the Ponent 5G Area 5G LAB was attended by Jaume Saltó, Chairman of the Lleida Chamber of Commerce and the Saltó Group’s robot Misty; Joan Talarn, President of the Provincial Council of Lleida; and Miquel Pueyo, Mayor of Lleida. Also present was Xavier Flores, Technical Manager of the 5G Areas project for the Secretariat of Digital Policies at the Ministry of the Vice Presidency and for Digital Policy and Territory of the Regional Government of Catalonia; Jara Forcadell, Head of Innovation and 5G projects at the i2cat Foundation; Julián Vinué, Innovation and Institutional Relations Manager for Telefónica Este; Tomeu Sabater, 5G Project Manager for Mobile World Capital Barcelona; and Oscar Alavedra, 5G Project Manager for the i2CAT Foundation.

Once the speeches had ended, those present were able to visit the facilities and were given a demonstration by the company PIRA Technology.

5G Areas is a regional development project promoted by the Regional Government of Catalonia through its Ministry of the Vice Presidency and for Digital Policy and Territory within the context of the 5G Strategy of Catalonia, which seeks to promote the Catalan 5G ecosystem and turn Catalonia into an international benchmark in terms of this technology. The Ponent 5G Area involves the support and collaboration of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, i2CAT Foundation, Lleida Chamber of Commerce, the Provincial Council of Lleida, Lleida City Council, and Telefónica.

Located on the third floor of Lleida Chamber of Commerce, LAB 5G is open to all businesses and provides them with different internet connection tools, measurers, components to test IoT (Internet of Things) tools, office automation material and power sources, among others, all free of charge. A prior appointment must be arranged to use the 5G LAB by calling Lleida Chamber of Commerce on 973 23 61 61.


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