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Increase your creativity with the five-step process


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Creativity is more than just artistry: it is solving problems in original ways. Here we are going to talk through how the five-step process can be applied in the concept and design of a website to produce better ideas.


One: Preparation. Imagine you’ve been commissioned to design a website for a local hockey league. The client wants you to design a website that allows people to know about the game schedule, and to provide information about the team to help build a fan base. In preparing for the website, we already identified what the client is seeking, a website. But we also know what the client wants, to build fans.


Two: Incubation. Once we’ve identified the challenge. The next step is to ask questions. Asking “what if” opens up to new possibilities. For instance, “what if we could offer more than schedules and team names?” This question might lead to a content section on the website with articles and pieces that provide more context about the games and players in the league.


Three: Insight. As we begin to gather information, certain patterns will begin to form. Connecting the dots is what leads to that lightbulb moment. For the website, this could be a color palette that serves to educate but also creates enthusiasm for the league with a modern look.


Four: Evaluation. At this stage, we take a step back and look at how the ideas, designs, and features reflect the identity of the league. Taking a critical approach can help reveal gaps or pain points, refining the details to ensure we are solving the right problem. To revisit the aim of the hockey league website, and ensure the final result provides value to the client and the designers.


Five: Elaboration. The moment of truth of the creative process. The ideas are verified and must be implemented. Of course, there will be unforeseen problems, but nothing lasts unless you put in the hard work.


Creativity does not just happen; it’s a cognitive process. Understanding these five steps will enable you to generate more effective solutions in the future.